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JBL T110BT User Manual [TR03921 QSG A V4 HD]


JBL T110BT User Manual

[TR03921 QSG A V4 HD]


1. What is in the BOX

What is in the BOX

2. Overview

Overview3. Wearing The Headphone

Wearing The Headphone

4. Bluetooth and Connection

1. Turn on the headphone

2. If connecting for the first time, the headphone will enter pairing mode automatically after it is powered on.

3. Connect to bluetooth device

Connect to bluetooth device

5. Music Control

Music Control

6. Phone Call

Phone Call

7. LED Behaviour

LED Behaviour


8. Specifications

*  Driver size: 8mm
*  Dynamic frequency response range: 2OHz-2OkHz
*  Sensitivity: lO2dB
*  Maximum SPL: llOdB
*  Microphone Sensitivity:@lkHz Db v/pa: -42
*  Impedance: l6ohm
*  Bluetooth transmitter power: 0-4dbm
*  Bluetooth transmitter modulation: GFSK, π/4DQPSK, 8DPSK
*  Bluetooth frequency: 2.4O2GHz-2.48GHz
*  Bluetooth profiles: HFP v1.6, HSP vl.l, A2DP vl.2, AVRCP v1.5
*  Bluetooth version: V4.1
*  Battery type: (3.7V, l2OmAh)
*  Charging time: 2 hours
*  Music play time with BT on: Up to 8 hours
*  Talk time with BT on: Up to 8 hours
*  Weight (kg): 16.5g

Brand: JBL
Purpose of goods: Custom headphones Manufacturer: Harman International Industries Incorporated, USA, 06901 Connecticut, сТтэмфорд, Атлантик Стрит 400, офис 1500 Country of origin: China Importer to Russia: ООО “Карман РУС СиАЭЭс”, РОССИЯ, 127018, сМОСКВА , UL. ДВИН ЦЕ В, Д.12, BODY 1 Warranty period: 1 year Information about the service centers: жжжбагглалсогя / гх bodies, + 7-800-700-0467 Service life: 2 years Shelf life: not limited Storage conditions: Standard at normal values climatic factors of the external environment Number of the conformity document: The goods are not subject to compulsory certificates. Production date: The date of manufacture of the device is determined by two letter symbols from the second group of symbols of the serial number of the product following the separating sign n. The encoding corresponds to the order of the letters of the Latin alphabet, starting from January 2010: 000000-МУо0о0000, where иМю is the month of production (А – January, В – February, С – March, etc.) and “Ую – year of production (А-2010, В -2011, C-2012, etc.,

tableANATEL Logo

Agtnria Amon, de relecomunira,der

Este equipamento opera em carater secundario, isto é, nab tern direito a protega”o contra interferencia prejudicial, mesmo de estagOes do mesmo tipo, e nab pode causer interferencia a sistemas operando ern carater primario” Este produto esta homologado pela ANATEL, de acordo corn os procedimentos regulamentados pela Resolucaro 242/2000, e atende aos requisitos tecnicos aplicados. Para maiores informagOes, consulte o site da ANATEL – www.anatel.gov.br


The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

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