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AlcoLimit Smartphone Breathalyser RBT Mini Manual

AlcoLimit Smartphone Breathalyser RBT Mini Manual Image

RBT Mini®

The world’s most intelligent breathalyzer!

User Manual

AlcoLimit Breathalysers Pty. Ltd.
P.O. Box 1106,
MANLY, NSW, 1655
Ph: 1300 667 661 www.alcolimit.com.au
Version 1.0 – June 2019


If you do not follow the instructions for use your test results may be inaccurate and your warranty may become void.
For the most accurate results, it’s important to wait at least 20 minutes after smoking, eating or drinking before testing. This is a universal principle for all breathalyzers, not just yours. The reason being is that if you have recently consumed alcohol, the residual alcohol in your mouth is very high and can cause a false reading. Additionally, waiting 20 minutes allows the alcohol to be absorbed from your stomach into your bloodstream, contributing to more accurate test results.



Recommended Usage Personal
Sensor Type Advanced Electrochemical Fuel Cell
Accuracy +/- 0.005%BAC at 0.050%BAC
Range %BAC 0.000 – 0.400
Display Stand alone or via mobile device
Warm-up time < 10 seconds, may vary depending upon the previous %BAC measured.
Breath Sampling Time 5 seconds
Housing Shock Resistant Plastic
Weight 43 grams
Power Source 1 x AAA alkaline battery
Dimensions 41.5 mm x 68 mm x 16.9 mm
Warranty 12 Month Limited Warranty
Recalibration Period Workplace Use: 6 months
Personal Use: 12 months
or 500 uses, whichever comes first.

Specifications are subject to change for the purpose of product improvement.

For all after-sales service and enquiries please contact the manufacturer:
AlcoLimit Breathalysers Pty. Ltd.
P.O. Box 1106
Manly, N.S.W. 1655
Ph: 1300 667 661 or +612 9939 3077 (from mobiles and overseas)
Website: www.alcolimit.com.au Email: [email protected]


Install the Batteries:
Slide the cover on the rear of the unit upwards. Install 1 x AAA ALKALINE battery checking the polarity is correct. DO NOT USE carbon or any other non-alkaline batteries. Replace the battery cover by inserting the lugs into the holes and sliding the cover downwards.

Install the App.
This process must be completed once for every mobile device you wish to use/ pair your breathalyser with.
Download the “Alcofind (Universal)” Mobile App from the App Store onto your mobile device. To access a quicklink visit: www.alcolimit.com.au/software
Check compatibility first! The app only works on the following devices: iPhone 4S or later running iOS 7 and above Android devices running OS 4.3 and above

Go to `Settings’ on your mobile device and make sure Bluetooth® is switched on. Pairing takes place within the Alcofind App, but Bluetooth® must be switched on in `Settings’ first.

Open the app and select language and measuring unit eg: %BAC. To adjust these later go to the Settings button in the bottom menu.

Press and hold the Power Button on your RBT Mini Breathalyser for two seconds until the blue, green and red lights illuminate, then release. Powering it on will allow it to be discovered.

The blue LED light will blink while it is connecting. Once successfully connected the red and green lights light up and your app will show START TEST.

For the first use you will need to enter the PIN code 000000.

Press the Cog/Settings symbol in the bottom right. Select your “Limit Line.” In `Stand alone’ mode this is the level at which the red light will illuminate to show you are over your designated level. Below this level the green light will illuminate. TURN ON Sound and TURN ON Camera, if you would like the app to take your photo while testing.


Ensure you have waited 20 minutes since your last alcoholic drink. Insert a new mouthpiece into your AlcoLimit RBT Mini Breathalyser and press the power button ON.

Open the Alcofind app and press `START TEST’. Select the User. You can have 2 user’s data saved separately. Historical data can be viewed by pressing on the graph icon at the bottom of the screen.

The AlcoLimit RBT Mini will warm up to a count of 100. At 95 take a deep breath and prepare to test. START BLOWING will appear on the screen when it is ready.

Blow into your AlcoLimit RBT Mini Breathalyser with a strong consistent breath. It will take about five seconds. You should hear/feel the fuel sensor pump click, indicating it has received enough air-flow. `ANALYZING’ will appear on the display.

Once your AlcoLimit RBT Mini Mobile Breathalyser has analysed the sample, it will send the reading to your mobile device and your %BAC reading will appear on the display (along with your photo if the camera is set to ON). If an insufficient breath sample is taken an error message will appear on the screen. Press OK to retest. The result will be marked as a `D’ in the results graph. The %BAC result will remain on the screen for 15 seconds before you can proceed.

After the result has appeared for 15 seconds the app enables you to make a memo which is viewable with test results from the Graph icon and the test results can be shared via Text message, Facebook, or Twitter.

Tap either “Retest” or “BAC level” on the app (or press Power button on the AlcoLimit RBT Mini breathalyser to test again without selecting a user). If you want to start test again from the beginning, tap the Home Icon in the bottom menu.

Press and hold Power button on the AlcoLimit RBT Mini breathalyser for 2 seconds to turn it off when you have finished testing. NOTE: The device will turn off automatically if the device is not in use for 2 minutes. If you exit the app while the device is working with the app, all Blue, Red and Green LEDs on the device will flicker together. Press Power Button on the device to restart.
Operation without App (Standalone mode) :

NOTE: To activate Standalone mode, you have to pair the AlcoLimit RBT Mini breathalyser with the app and set “Limit Line” first. (Pair with the app and go to the setting on the app to set “Limit Line”.) Once “Limit Line” is set, the set value will be sent to the AlcoLimit RBT Mini breathalyser, and the test result in Standalone mode will be displayed with indications of Red or Green LEDs according to the set value of “Limit Line”. (After setting the value of “Limit Line”, you need to select Home by tapping the Home Icon at the bottom menu on the app in order to save and transfer the set value to the AlcoLimit RBT Mini breathalyser.)

NOTE: If the battery is low or the device is in unacceptable temperature range, all Blue, Red and Green LEDs will flicker together. Replace with a new AAA alkaline battery or try again after the device has reached a temperature within the operating range (5-40 °C).

To turn on the AlcoLimit RBT Mini breathalyser, press and hold Power button for a second until the Blue, Green and Red LEDS appear on the device.

If the app on your smartphone is off and there is no pairing signal from the app, the device will move into the Standalone Mode and starts the warm-up automatically. A Blue LED keeps blinking until the warm-up process is completed.

NOTE: If the device doesn`t have the set value of “Limit line”, all Blue, Red and Green LEDs will flicker together after the warm-up process. Pair the device with the app and set “Limit Line” on the setting menu of the app. If you turn on the app on your smartphone while using the device in the Standalone Mode, the device will move into the App Mode and start pairing automatically. (If you turn on the app while the device is in the blowing or analysing process in the Standalone Mode, the device will move into the App Mode after completing these processes.)

When the Blue LED stops blinking and remains on, it means the device is ready to perform a test. Take a deep breath and blow for 5 seconds into the mouthpiece until the Blue LED disappears. If a sufficient breath sample is taken correctly, Green and Red LEDs will blink in turns and the test result will be displayed in a few seconds.

NOTE: If an insufficient breath sample is taken, blue, red and green LEDs will flicker together. Press Power button to retest. Test results will be displayed with indications of Red or Green LEDs according to the set value of “Limit Line” as follows. For example, if you set the “Limit Line” as 0.05%BAC, it will show the GREEN light for readings below this level and the RED light for readings above ths level. Press Power Button to retest.

Press and hold the Power button on the AlcoLimit RBT Mini breathalyser for 2 seconds to turn it off when you have finished testing. NOTE: The device will turn off automatically if the device is not in use for 2 minutes. If you exit the app while the device is working with the app, all Blue, Red and Green LEDs on the device will flicker together. Press Power Button on the device to restart.

NOTE: The AlcoLimit RBT Mini breathalyser saves up to 30 test results and the oldest test results will be deleted automatically if the memory is full. Once the AlcoLimit RBT-mini breathalyser pairs with the app, the saved test results will be sent to the app, and at the same time the saved test results will be automatically deleted from the AlcoLimit RBT Mini breathalyser. All transmitted test results are viewable from the Data Icon at the bottom of the app menu. (In the graph, the transmitted standalone test results will be shown as “D”.


Problem Solution
My AlcoLimit RBT Mini Breathalyser won’t connect with my mobile device The AlcoLimit RBT Mini Breathalyser requires the following specifications to connect and operate correctly:
– Bluetooth 4.0 (for connectivity)
Plus one of the following or a later version:
– iPhone 4S or later running iOS 7 and above
– Android devices running OS 4.3 and above
Check these specifications are available on your device. Ensure Bluetooth is turned on in the device settings. If so, then restart both the device and the AlcoLimit RBT Mini breathalyser and try to reconnect.
Check your battery level is not low. Replace battery if needed as this can affect the strength of the bluetooth connection.
My AlcoLimit RBT Mini Breathalyser won’t turn on The battery may be flat. Replace the battery with 1 x AAA alkaline battery. Use good quality batteries as generic brand batteries may not have enough charge.


This device is tested as a 0.05% BAC device (0.05%BAC is equal to 0.05grams of alcohol per 100ml of blood). AlcoLimit RBT-mini Breathalyser has a range of 0.000-0.400 %BAC. Readings above this range will be indicated by the word `HIGH’ appearing on the screen.

  • If you are not using the device regularly the sensor can dry out. Use the device at least once per month to maintain the sensor. Prior to testing after storage, use the device 3 times before performing your actual test in order to re-moisten the sensor.

PLEASE NOTE: Alcohol vapour from the upper respiratory tract, associated with very recent drinking of an alcoholic beverage, can cause higher readings than the true breath alcohol concentration. We recommend having a glass of water prior to testing and waiting at least 20 minutes after your last drink for accurate results. Not waiting the required 20 minutes will saturate the sensor unnecessarily and may cause sensor damage. This is not covered under your warranty. Please always wait 20 minutes after consuming any alcohol to avoid this problem.

WARNINGS (Please read carefully)

  • Closed rooms with poor ventilation, pollution, smoke, or air conditioning may delay the time for resetting between tests.
  • Avoid testing in the presence of any substances that contain methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, or acetone. These substances may interfere with the results of the test.
  • Not waiting at least 20 minutes after your last alcoholic drink will cause inaccurate readings, and if you continue to misuse ALCOLIMIT this way you will damage the sensor beyond repair (not covered under warranty). Have a glass of water or other non-alcoholic beverage to minimise alcohol vapour in your mouth as the vapour can cause a higher reading.
  • Retest 2-3 times to obtain a reliable test result. We suggest you then wait a further 10 – 20 minutes and retest to check that your level has stabilised and not increased.
  • Blood alcohol concentration can continue to rise for up to 2 hours after the cessation of drinking. If the reading is close to the limit it is advised to wait a further 10-20 minutes and re test to determine whether your %BAC has stabilised.
  • It can take 10 hours or more to return to a zero reading after a high blood alcohol level has been reached. A further test should be carried out later in the day or the following morning.
  • If you are taking ALCOLIMIT overseas or using it at a different altitude please be aware that the calibration may be affected.
  • Do not blow cigarette smoke or liquid into the tester.
  • Alcohol affects each individual differently depending upon many factors; type of alcohol, muscle mass, weight, full or empty stomach, immune system, gender, regularity of drinking.
  • Those with diabetes may find they can drink large volumes of alcohol yet still read 0.00%BAC. This does not mean your ability to drive is not impaired.
  • Do not use ALCOLIMIT as a tool to drink and drive. There is no safe level of alcohol consumption before driving or operating machinery.
  • The only true indication of your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is a blood test. The results obtained from a personal breath alcohol tester cannot be used in a Court of Law.


Keep free from dust, dirt, and small particles as they may clog the sensor.
Keep in a cool dry place.
Keep out of extreme temperatures.
Keep out of reach of children.
Keep away from electrical interference.
Do not drop, knock or shake.


The calibration period of AlcoLimit RBT-mini Breathalyser is 6 months for workplace use and 12 months for personal use, or 500 uses, whichever comes first. A specially calibrated alcohol simulator is used to recalibrate the AlcoLimit RBT-mini Breathalyser and the electronics need to be reset during recalibration, do not attempt to service it yourself.

If you receive erratic or high readings your breathalyser may need recalibration. If you have any doubt about the readings you are receiving from your AlcoLimit RBT-mini Breathalyser then your breathalyser may need recalibration.

Periodic recalibration is required because over time breath alcohol testing devices may drift from their calibration setting even when not used.

Your AlcoLimit RBT Mini Breathalyser is a sensitive instrument. Unlike other electronic devices, your breathalyser shouldn’t be ignored for long periods of time. The sensor inside it is delicate and can dry out if left unused for too long. In order to keep it in good working condition, we recommend that you blow into it at least once a month, even if you don’t plan on using it. Breathing into the unit regularly keeps the sensor moist and in good working order. Sensors that dry out can sometimes require more frequent calibration.

Professional Calibration by our Technicians: The recalibration cost includes return postage to you within Australia and NZ via Australia Post. Current recalibration costs are available on our website at www.alcolimit.com.au.

Post your ALCOLIMIT unit to :
AlcoLimit Breathalysers Pty. Ltd.
Recalibrations Dept.
P.O. Box 1106
Manly, N.S.W. 1655

When posting your AlcoLimit RBT Mini Breathalyser to us you are advised to send it Registered Mail for tracking purposes.

You must include the following:

-your name
-return postal address
-daytime phone no.
-instruction manual to update service record (optional)

A `Calibration Request Form’ is available for download from our website which indicates all the information we require to perform your recalibration and includes payment options.
If you require a `Calibration Certificate’ please request one at the time of recalibration. These cost $22 each.

You may pay with credit card online via PAYPAL on our `SERVICING’ page at: www.alcolimit.com.au/servicing
Or you may call us on 1300 667 661 to pay with credit card.
Your unit will usually be returned to you within a week. If you have any questions regarding recalibration, please call us on 1300 667 661.
For NZ Customers we recommend payment via Credit Card due to exchange rate changes.


Manufacturer warrants for one calendar year the product to be free from defects in workmanship or materials (excluding calibration) in normal service from the date of purchase. Manufacturer’s obligation under this warranty is limited to replacing or repairing the unit if returned along with proof of purchase. This warranty is void if unit has been tampered with, misused, dropped, maliciously damaged or used for any purpose other than that intended.
The cost to return the unit to the manufacturer’s service centre is at the expense of the consumer. The consumer is welcome to drop the unit off at our service centre in person. The consumer must contact our customer service centre prior to returning the unit to us to enable our technicians to diagnose the fault over the phone.
Upon returning the unit to our service centre under warranty, should the unit be found not to be faulty, the consumer is liable for the freight cost to return the item to them. Should the unit be found to be faulty the freight cost to return the item to the consumer will be borne by the manufacturer. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.


AlcoLimit RBT-mini Breathalyser is recommended as a screening device only. The reading you receive is not legally binding in a court of law, AlcoLimit RBT Mini Breathalyser is to be used only as a guide. The only true indication of your %BAC is a blood test. Probationary drivers and machinery operators should check with their state authority or employer as to whether a 0.02%BAC or zero tolerance applies to them. We do not recommend driving or operating machinery with any amount of alcohol in your system. Heavy fines and penalties may apply and the presence of alcohol in your system may void your insurance. The manufacturer gives no warranty, express or implied, as to the ability of AlcoLimit RBT Mini Breathalyser to determine or detect intoxication or to accurately indicate your blood alcohol level.

Disclaimer cont’d
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility in circumstances where a person who has used the device and received an indication of the presence of alcohol in his/her exhaled breath is later found to be under the influence of or their judgment has been impaired by alcohol; and will under no circumstances be liable for any loss or damage in contract or tort (including negligence) or otherwise suffered by any person arising directly or indirectly from the use of AlcoLimit RBT Mini Breathalyser The manufacturer, importer or distributor takes no responsibility whatsoever for the use of this product for any reason. This product must not be used as a tool for determining whether a person is able to operate a vehicle or machinery. The intake of any alcohol will impair reflexes and judgment to operate motor vehicles and machinery. For further information on AlcoLimit RBT-mini Breathalyser see our website at www.alcolimit.com.au or call our Customer Service line on 1300 667 661. To view other breathalyser models available, see our website: www.alcolimit.com.au


Purchase from your local retailer or order online at www.alcolimit.com.au

Pack of 25 Disposable Mouthpieces Product Code: ALCO-111
Pack of 50 disposable mouthpieces. Product Code: ALCO-112

Zip-Up Carry Case to hold your breathalyser and additional mouthpieces.
EVA water resistant. Available in 3 colours:
RED – Product Code: ALCO-086
BLUE – Product Code: ALCO-087
BLACK – Product Code: ALCO-088


Date of Recalibration Service Details

For service records to be updated, please send your instructions with your breathalyser each time it is recalibrated.
Alternatively, you may request a Calibration Certificate at a cost of $22 (recommended for workplaces).