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blueparrott B250-XT Noise Canceling Bluetooth Headset Manual

blueparrott B250-XT Noise Canceling Bluetooth Headset Manual Image

B250-XT Noise Canceling Bluetooth Headset
Instruction Manual

How do I reset my Bluetooth headset?

BlueParrott B250-XT
When you reset your Bluetooth headset, the list of devices that have been paired with it is cleared. Follow these steps to reset.

  1. Turn on your headset.
  2. Simultaneously press and hold the Volume up button and Volume down button until you hear two low tones.
  3. Your headset is now reset.

When your headset has been reset it will not automatically enter pairing mode. You will need to manually re-pair with your Bluetooth devices.
Remember to delete the previous pairing before you re-pair.

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