This Getting Started Guide will help you get comfortable with all of the features and benefits of your new Cox HomelifeSM system. Please review this guide in its entirety when your system is installed, and keep it safe, as it contains many important instructions and reminders for using this system.
It may be helpful to start by understanding some basic home security terms used throughout this guide and other help documentation.
- Touchscreen: The Touchscreen is your home security system’s control panel. It is the brains of your system, and is used to communicate with all of your installed sensors and devices, as well as the Central Monitoring Station.
- Central Monitoring Station: This is our 24/7 monitoring center that responds to any alarm signals generated by your system. Depending on the type of alarm signal, they may contact you or your Emergency Dispatch Contacts to verify the emergency.
- Emergency Dispatch Contacts: Two mandatory contacts must be listed on your account at all times in order to verify alarm signals (some exceptions apply).
- Subscriber Portal: This is your personalized, secure, online account management website. Use it to arm/disarm your system, manage codes and passwords, set up and modify rules, view event history, and more.
- Rules: Rules are flexible methods of generating a variety of system actions or notifications (email, text message) when certain, predefined, circumstances occur.
- Touchscreen Apps: Applications running on your Touchscreen that enable you to interact with and manage your system. Similar to apps found on your smartphone.
- Security Zones: Security zones are defined by sensors that can detect events in the home. Events include doors or windows opening and closing, motion, glass breaking, smoke, or carbon monoxide.
You’ve taken the first step to protecting your home and family while getting the most out of today’s advanced security and home automation features. Your Cox HomelifeSM system allows you to take advantage of the features you see to the left, and much more!
Your Touchscreen utilizes your high-speed Internet connection and communicates wirelessly with all of your installed devices. If a sensor or installed device detects trouble, your Touchscreen will notify you immediately.
In case of a power outage or loss of broadband services, the Touchscreen will continue to communicate with the Central Monitoring Station using cellular backup. The Touchscreen also includes a battery backup that will last for about 24 hours.
Some devices may look slightly different.
: Do not move your Touchscreen once it has been installed as this may cause your system to lose connectivity or malfunction in an emergency.
The interactive Touchscreen provides you with real-time system status information, tools to arm and disarm your system, access to live video, ability to manage your home automation devices, and much more!
The Touchscreen can be easily configured to meet your needs. In order to prevent unauthorized users from making changes to your system’s configurations, your settings can only be accessed by entering your Master Keypad Code.
- Select the Settings
App and enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
- Select the Touchscreen category to customize your Touchscreen settings
— Sounds for perimeter sensors
— Screen saver
— Screen brightness and dimming
— Nighttime settings
From time to time, you may want to clean your Touchscreen. Please use a soft cloth, slightly dampened with water only.
- Press the Settings
App and enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
- Select the Touchscreen category and then select Clean Screen
- Press the Clean Screen for 30 seconds button to clean your screen without accidentally pressing any Touchscreen controls
You will set up three different types of passcodes and passwords during installation. Two of them are covered in this section. Please be sure to make these passcodes easy to remember, make sure the appropriate household members are also aware of these passcodes, and keep them safe.
System setup, arming, and disarming functions are controlled by 4-digit keypad codes. These codes are chosen by you and can be shared with household members and trusted guests or service professionals.
- On your Touchscreen, press the Settings
App and enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
- Select the Security category and then select Manage Keypad Codes
- Touch the Add Keycode button to create a new one, or the Edit button next to existing keypad codes to make changes, and press Save
Simply log in and click on the SECURITY menu and select Key Pad Codes.
Your Central Station Passcode is used to cancel a dispatch by the Central Monitoring Station in the event of a false alarm. Please make sure your passcode (word) is easy to remember, pronounce and spell.
We recommend using a word that contains 8 letters or fewer.
- Press the Settings
App and enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
- Select the Advanced Settings category and then select Set Central Station Passcode
- Enter your new passcode and press SAVE
Note: The Central Monitoring Station operator cannot view your passcode; they will simply type it into their console to determine if it matches in order to cancel the alarm.
You can arm and disarm your system using your Touchscreen, Cox-installed keypads or remote key fobs.
You can also arm and disarm your system through the Subscriber Portal and mobile app.
All zones must be cleared, bypassed or trouble acknowledged before arming.
- During the arming process, select the zones you wish to bypass
- Temporarily bypass zones by touching the Turn Zone Off button next to the desired zone
- Enter your keypad code to confirm and continue the arming process
Note: Bypassed zones will return to their “on” state each time your system is disarmed.
You can view a detailed history of each zone, such as when the front door was opened or closed.
- On your Touchscreen, press the Security
- Select the History tab to view the last 50 events
You can also view your zone and event history online using your Subscriber Portal.
Simply log in and click on the HISTORY menu and select the type of history you would like to view, such as alarms, trouble events, or zone activity.
In the event of an emergency, panic alarms can be sent directly from your Touchscreen (or key fob or keypad). A Panic Alarm is reported immediately to the monitoring station without any delay.
- To manually trip the alarm, press the Panic Alarm button
on the lower right front of your Touchscreen
- Select Fire, Medical, or Police. Tapping the Fire or Police icon will sound a repeating, high-pitched siren. Tapping the Medical icon will sound a repeating triple-beep signal
- To silence an audible alarm, enter your 4-digit keypad code but be aware that the alarm signal has already been sent to the Central Monitoring Station. If you wish to cancel the alarm when the operator calls, be sure to provide your Central Station Passcode
A silent police panic alarm option is also available when pressing the Police Panic icon.
Please note, you will not have the option to manually cancel this alarm, but the Central Monitoring Station will call the fi rst Emergency Contact Number to verify the alarm before dispatching police.
You can cancel an alarm by entering a valid keypad code on the Touchscreen’s security screen or keypad.
If you do not enter a valid keypad code before the entry delay expires, WAIT BY THE PHONE that you have set as your primary Emergency Contact Number. The Central Monitoring Station will call your Emergency DispatchContact Numbers to verify the alarm. An alarm can only be canceled by someone who knows your Central Station Passcode (or “secret word”). Please note that the Central Station Passcode is different than the Master Keypad Code that is used to manage and arm/disarm the system.
When your security system generates an alarm, Cox’s Central Monitoring Station will receive an alarm signal, and will respond based on the type and priority of the alarm.
The Central Monitoring Station will contact your Emergency Dispatch Contact Numbers to verify emergencies or notify responding parties. Be sure to review and update your emergency contacts on a regular basis.
- In your Subscriber Portal, go to the SECURITY menu and select Emergency Dispatch Setup
- Update existing contacts by clicking the pencil icon, delete contacts by clicking the trash can icon or add new contacts by clicking the ADD CONTACT button
You may list up to four emergency contacts, but only the two mandatory contacts set as “verify the alarm before calling the police” will be contacted prior to dispatch the proper authorities. Up to two additional contacts are considered Responding Parties, and will be notified after a dispatch.
- Please add 1-800-633-2677 to the contact list on your phone(s) and those of your emergency contacts in order to recognize an incoming call from the Central Monitoring Station during an alarm notification call. Not responding to a call from Central Monitoring Station can result in the dispatch of emergency personnel and potential false alarm fees that vary from city to city
The Cox HomelifeSM Subscriber Portal website is your online system and account management tool. You can use the portal to arm and disarm your system, view live camera feeds, check event histories, and set up system rules.
- Go to https://portal.coxhomelife.com — don’t forget to bookmark this page!
- Log in using the username and password you set up during installation
Password Hint:
If you forget your username or password, click on the links provided on the login page.
- Download the Cox Homelife mobile app for your smartphone or tablet using iTunes or Google Play
- Use your same Cox Homelife Subscriber Portal username and password to log in
Rules are flexible methods of generating a variety of system actions or notifications when certain, predefined, circumstances occur. Depending on the devices you have purchased and their placement in your home, you may want to set up Rules such as:
- Schedule Rule: Turn lights on/off at a certain time
- Event Rule: Take a picture when the front door opens
- Non-Event Rule: Send a text message if the system is not disarmed during a given time
In order to use Rules, you must set up Rules Contacts in the Subscriber Portal. These are the contacts that will be notifi ed via text or email when a Rule is executed.
- In your Subscriber Portal, go to the RULES menu and select Contacts for Rules
- Click the ADD CONTACT button
- Enter the contact’s name, email address and mobile phone number, and click SAVE
You may add more than one email address and phone number for each contact.
- In your Subscriber Portal, go to the RULES menu and select Rules Setup
- Click on the ADD RULE button
- Select the type of Rule to set up: Schedule, Event, Non-Event or Thermostat (if applicable)
- Select the desired Rule fi lters, which are populated based on the Rule type selected above
— When to trigger the Rule
— Who to notify and how
— What to do at that time
— How often it should occur - Change the auto-populated name of the Rule, if desired, and click SAVE
- You can modify, temporarily disable or delete Rules at any time. Please note that the default Rule for alarm notifi cations cannot be deleted
- Cox uses SMS codes 10958 and 73153 to deliver text alerts. Make sure your cellular phone service provider allows these shortcodes to be delivered to your phone
- Make sure you have not configured Rules that conflict with each other (e.g., using the same camera to perform two actions at the same time)
- Check that phone numbers and email addresses are accurate in your Rules Contacts
You are required to add and maintain your home security permit information at all times, if applicable for your jurisdiction. Please go to ww.cox.com/homelifesupport and click on the Cox HomelifeSM Ordinances and Permit Documents to link under the Helpful Info section.
- In your Subscriber Portal, go to the SECURITY menu and select Emergency Dispatch Setup
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, and enter your Alarm Permit Number and expiration date
It’s important to test your system on a regular basis (recommended monthly).
- Before beginning your test, call 1-855-261-2501 to place your system in test mode
- On your Touchscreen, press the Settings
App and enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
- Go to the Security category and select Alarm Test
- Press the gray Disabled button to enable sending test alarm messages to the Central Monitoring Station and press Next > to continue and follow the instructions on your screen
Disconnecting cords or resetting your Cox Homelife router will cause disruptions to your home security system. Please contact Cox prior to moving or modifying your router settings, including your personal router.
- On your Touchscreen, press the Settings
App and enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
- Go to the Security category and select Advanced Settings, then Connectivity, then Test Connectivity, and press Next > to begin the test
If either broadband or cellular connectivity appears to be down, please check your home security router power/connection and then contact Cox Customer Support at 1-877-404-2568.
When any of your device batteries are running low, you will be notified via your Touchscreen’s Trouble Header. Please contact Cox Technical Support for assistance (exception: smoke and CO detectors will chirp, and can be replaced using 9V batteries). If you have elected the Equipment Service Plan, this service is free of charge (cost of batteries not included).
Your Equipment Service Plan (optional) protects your Cox-installed equipment in case of hardware failure. In addition, your annual Preventive Maintenance Inspections are discounted 50%. To schedule your annual inspection or to purchase the plan, please call Cox Homelife at 1-877-404-2568.
Follow these important guidelines to help you prevent false alarms and possible fines from your city.
- Learn how to use your security system and make sure everyone with access to your home is instructed on how to use it (including passcodes and passwords)
- Know how to cancel false alarms using your designated Central Station Passcode (also known as your “secret word”) when the Central Monitoring Station calls to verify an alarm
- If the alarm sounds, always be sure to speak to someone from the Central Monitoring Station immediately. Wait by the phone designated as your first emergency dispatch contact and have your Central Station Passcode ready
- If you have pets, ensure that your system and motion sensors are set up so they will not trip the alarm. If you add new pets, be sure to contact us for assistance with updating your system
- Keep batteries fresh. Outdated or weak batteries can cause sensors to malfunction. When your Touchscreen alerts you to a low battery, please contact us at 1-877-404-2568 for assistance
- Test your system regularly and before you go out of town. Be sure to notify the Central Monitoring Station before beginning an alarm test. Call 1-855-261-2501
- Notify Cox Technical Support if you suspect that your system is not working properly
- Schedule an annual service inspection to keep your system maintained properly. Subscribers to the Equipment Service Plan receive complete system service and maintenance and save 50% on their annual service inspections. Battery replacement extra
- Ensure that your Emergency Dispatch Contact information is kept up to date. You can update your contacts by logging in to https://portal.coxhomelife.com and selecting the Security menu, then Emergency Dispatch Setup
- Notify Cox of any home improvements, such as installing anything or performing home renovations near the location of the alarm control panel or any installed components
- Have others leave the house before arming the system from within
- Check to make sure all doors and windows are closed and locked before arming the system
- After disarming, confirm the alarm system is turned off, indicated by a green disarmed status icon on your Touchscreen or mobile app
What if I forgot my Central Station Passcode (“secret word”)?
Your Central Station Passcode (or “secret word”) is used by the Central Monitoring Station to authenticate authorized emergency contacts in the event of an alarm. If you forget your passcode, you may retrieve it using your Touchscreen or Subscriber Portal. Cox Customer Support cannot see your passcode.
What if I forgot my Subscriber Portal username or password?
Simply go to https://portal.coxhomelife.com and click on the Forgot your Username or Password? link.
Access to your email address on file and knowing your Master Keypad Code will be required.
What should I do if I accidentally set off my alarm?
If you are unable to cancel your alarm before the entry delay expires, Cox’s Central Monitoring Station will receive the alert and will call your Emergency Dispatch Contact list to verify the alarm. Stand by for the phone call and be prepared to provide your Central Station Passcode (“secret word”) to cancel the alarm. Not responding to a call from CMS can result in the dispatch of emergency personnel and potential false alarm fees that vary from city to city.
What if my Touchscreen loses power?
Your Touchscreen will indicate a trouble if power is lost, but it also has a 24-hour battery backup.
- Please be sure to check that your Touchscreen is not plugged into a switched outlet or GFI-protected outlet.
Turn switch on or reset GFI outlet if applicable - If the Touchscreen is in sleep mode, press the Home button or tap on the screen to wake it
- If you cannot restore power to your Touchscreen, please contact Cox Customer Support
How do I cancel the arming process?
Once the arming process is initiated and the exit delay counter has begun, you can stop the arming process by pressing the Security app or the Security Status header and entering your 4-digit keypad code.
What if I get a new pet after my system is installed?
If you get a new pet after your home security system is installed, please contact Cox Customer Support to determine if you need to have your motion sensors checked and/or repositioned as necessary.
Subscriber Portal
Go to https://portal.coxhomelife.com to log in to your account and manage your system features online.
Online Support
Go to www.cox.com/homelifesupport to browse procedures for using your system, common troubleshooting tips, and other helpful information.
Cox Homelife Customer Support
Call us at 1- 877- 4 0 4 -2 5 6 8 to report a problem, inquire about billing, purchase additional equipment or modify your account.
Central Monitoring Station
Call the Cox Central Monitoring Station at 1- 855-261-2501 to put your system in test mode or cancel an alarm signal. Note: Your Central Station Passcode is required.
When the Central Monitoring Station calls you, the caller ID will read 1- 80 0 – 633 -2677. Please add this number to the contact list on your phone(s) in order to properly recognize alarm verification calls.