DAICH TracSafe Anti-Slip Sealer Instructions
- porches and steps
- patios, walkways and driveways
- wet pool decks and hot tub areas
- painted fl oors / painted wood decks
- garage and workshop fl oors
- basement and laundry fl oors
- shower fl oors
PLUS…interior/exterior walking surfaces at apartments and condos, retirement communities, health and fi tness facilities, retail, commercial/industrial properties, etc.
- concrete and masonry
- patio and paving stones, fl agstone
- pre-painted concrete and wood
- ceramic tile, vinyl and linoleum
- DAICH decorative stone surfaces
Now you can add more foot traction and safety to all kinds of slippery surfaces indoors and out with TracSafe® Anti-Slip Sealer. It’s a unique pre-mixed formula that’s ready to apply wherever you need it, to help protect family members, friends, neighbors and customers — young and old — from costly falls.
TracSafe is also a superior high performance sealer that forms a tough, clear barrier to protect underlying surfaces and keep them in ideal condition with a refreshed new look.
- excellent slip-resistance
- transparent protective coating
- all-season exterior durability
- excellent hot tire resistance
- excellent UV resistance
- salt / chemical resistance
- anti-mold and mildew
- odorless, water-based
- clear satin fi nish
CONCRETE: New concrete must cure 30 days before coating. The surface must be clean and dry, free from dirt, dust, surface fl aking, oils, peeling paint and other contaminates. Very smooth, new or effl orescent surfaces should be etched to open surface pores and add profi le. Let the surface dry 24 hours before application. EXTERIOR: (1) Pressure wash the concrete for most effective cleaning. (2) Alternatively, scrub the surface with TSP (trisodium phosphate) for best cleaning performance and best penetration. Rinse thoroughly with a pressure washer (best) or hose. GARAGE FLOORS: (1)
Pressure wash the fl oor for best results. (2) If the surface is very smooth or effl orescent, use an etching solution to clean the surface, open the pores for best adhesion. Rinse thoroughly with a pressure washer (best) or scrub with a TSP solution and rinse thoroughly to remove all etching residue. INTERIOR
FLOORS: (1) Scrub or mop with a TSP and water solution and rinse thoroughly. (2) Remove all water with good drainage or wet-vac and allow to dry until the next day.
Interior or exterior walking surfaces which have been previously coated (epoxy, fl oor paints and exterior concrete coatings) can normally be treated with TracSafe. The painted surface must be sound and not peeling. 1) Scuff the surface with 150 grit sandpaper to add bonding profi le. 2) Wash the surface with TSP and rinse well to remove any dirt and sanding dust and allow to dry until the next day
NOTE: FOR GARAGE FLOORS & DRIVEWAYS – If maintaining a showroom quality appearance – along with SLIP-RESISTANCE – is your priority, top-coat TracSafe with ONE thin application of DAICH DaiHard Garage & Driveway Sealer the next day to help protect against possible rubber tire marks on vehicle surfaces.
Wash the surface thoroughly with a strong TSP/water solution. Rinse well with cold water and allow it to dry.
DAICH STONE COATINGS: If sealing a freshly applied DAICH stone coating with TracSafe® simply sweep or wipe away any dirt or foreign objects (leaves, bird droppings, etc.) that may be on the surface prior to sealing. If applying TracSafe® to an older existing DAICH stone coating, etc., wash the surface thoroughly, rinse well and allow to dry until the following day before application.
Apply in dry conditions with application temperature 50ºF (10ºC) or above. Stir TracSafe® well with a stir stick (from the bottom up) before fi rst use and prior to each time it is poured into the paint tray for optimal use of TracSafe’s active ingredients. Apply onto the surface using a 3/8” roller. Two uniform coats are required six to eight hours apart (longer in damp or cool conditions, or where there is little air circulation, like a basement
or shower stall). Do not step on the surface while it is tacky. For even greater durability and slip resistance – or occasional future upkeep as required – additional coats may be applied as desired. **For applications to very smooth polished stone tile, porcelain, etc., apply to a small hidden test area to confi rm solid uniform adhesion before coating the entire surface
Cure Time: 24 hours (longer in damp or cool conditions). Avoid normal foot traffi c until curing is complete.
Coverage: 350 – 450 sq.ft. (32 m2 – 41 m2 ) per gallon per coat. Two coats required. Varies with surface roughness and application thickness.