Check your voicemail
You can both listen to and read transcriptions of your voicemail messages.
When you switch from Google Voice to Fi, you can find pre-Fi voicemails in Google Voice. Voicemails you receive after joining can be found in the Fi app or by calling your voicemail.
Check your voicemail in the Google Fi app
When someone leaves you a voicemail, you’ll get a notification from the Google Fi app. To listen to your voicemail:
- Open the Google Fi app.
- At the bottom of the screen, tap Voicemail.
- Tap a specific voicemail message to expand it.
- You can read the transcript or tap the play button to listen.
View a tutorial on how to check your voicemail on iPhone.
Alternate ways to check voicemail
Read or listen through text
You can get a text message with a transcript when someone leaves you a voicemail.
- To turn voicemail texts on or off in your Fi account, tap Settings
- Open the text message with your voicemail transcript.
- Tap the phone number at the end of the message.
- When prompted, enter your voicemail PIN.
Listen through the Phone app
If Phone alerts are turned on, you’ll get a notification from your Phone app when someone leaves you a voicemail. To listen to your voicemail:
- Open the Phone app.
- Tap Voicemail
Call voicemail.
- Tap Call Voicemail.
- When prompted, enter your voicemail PIN.
- Once you listen to your voicemail, you can end the call. To delete a message, press 6.