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How do I Set a Preferred Softphone in Jabra Direct? Manual

How do I Set a Preferred Softphone in Jabra Direct? Manual Image

Instructions Manual

How do I Set a Preferred Softphone in Jabra Direct?

How do I set a preferred softphone in Jabra Direct?

  • Jabra Direct – latest version

If you have multiple softphones installed, you can select a preferred softphone.
Follow these steps.

  1. Open Jabra Direct.
  2. On the left menu, click Settings.
  3. In Softphone Integration > Preferred Softphone, select your preference.
    If your organisation has decided to manage the setting centrally, this will be indicated by a Lock icon.

Images and text are for guidance purposes only. Actual images and text may vary depending on the device connected and updates to the software.


18/08/2022 17:32

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