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oxo 52141526 Brew Compact Cold Brew Coffee Maker Manual

oxo 52141526 Brew Compact Cold Brew Coffee Maker Manual Image
oxo 52141526 Brew Compact Cold Brew Coffee 
Maker Instruction Manual

Meet your Coffee Maker

To Brew

oxo 52141526 Brew Compact Cold Brew Coffee Maker Instruction Manual - To Brew

Cold Brew Tips and Tricks

We recommend a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio of coffee concentrate to water or milk. For example, if you measure out 2 oz/60 mL of concentrate, you would dilute it with 4-6 oz/120-180 mL of water or milk.

All coffee is different! This ratio and the bean marking on the brewing container are great starting points, but depending on the roast you use, you might want to add more or less ground coffee the next time you brew.

Cleaning and Care

Base of brewing container twists off and filter can be removed for thorough cleaning.
When reassembling, ensure gasket is secure on the bottom ring of the threads, brewing container and base are fully tightened, and markings are aligned.

Glass carafe is dishwasher safe; hand wash cork lid and all other parts.

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