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PELOTON Original Bike Cycling Shoes Manual

PELOTON Original Bike Cycling Shoes Manual Image

PELOTON Original Bike Cycling Shoes


WARNING: Read and follow all warnings and instructions before clipping in and out for the first time. Improper use may result in serious injury.
The information in this guide may not reflect recent updates as we continue to improve our product. Please see onepeloton.com/manuals for the latest version.
CAUTION: These shoes are designed for use with a Peloton Bike or Bike+ and the included Delta-compatible cleats only. They may not be compatible or safe for use with other equipment.

S TE P 1

Loosely attach the cleat and move it to your preferred position.

T I P: If you are setting up up cycling shoes for the first time, we recommend that you start with the cleats pushed all the way back and adjust if you experience discomfort while riding. See support.onepeloton.com for more information.

CAUTION: Make sure that your cleats are properly positioned and all bolts are fully tightened before clipping in. Check for and tighten loose pedals on a regular basis. Riding with loose cleats or pedals could lead to serious injury.

CAUTION: Do not attempt to walk in cycling shoes with cleats. Wear cycling shoes only while using the Peloton Bike/Bike+ and remove them immediately after clipping out. Walking on cleats may cause you to fall or twist your ankle, or otherwise result in serious injury.

S TE P 2

Lift the ratchet to tighten the strap.

CAUTION: Be careful when clipping in and out. While you may need to use some force, excessive force or aggressive movements could result in an ankle, foot, or leg injury.


CLIPPING IN: Point your toes down to fit the cleat into the front of the pedal. Push down through your heel.

CLIPPING OUT: Kick your heel away from the bike.


For customers who reside and purchase a Peloton accessory in the United States, Canada, Germany, or the United Kingdom, Peloton warrants the components and all original parts against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery, or for any additional period that is required by applicable law. This voluntary Limited Home Use Warranty does not affect your statutory warranty rights but applies in addition to them.
For the complete Limited Warranty, visit onepeloton.com/warranty.

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