PIT BOSS Pro Series 1150 sq.-in Hammer Tone Pellet Grill manual
PIT BOSS Pro Series 1150 sq.-in Hammer Tone Pellet Grill User Guide
Your grill is equipped with a PID controller, which works to not only create an accurate average temperature across the grill grate, but also to maintain temperatures with less fluctuation than one of our legacy controllers.
To help your grill achieve lower set temperatures more rapidly, preheat your grill to 350° then reduce the set temperature to wherever you desire. Preheating will allow your PID controller to compensate and achieve set temperature more quickly.
The Pit Boss Pro Series does not include a lid thermometer. Your PID controller works to create an accurate average temperature across the grill grate equal to the set temp and the digital readout reflects the average temperature at a given time.
The part indicator lights (FAN, AUGER, IGNITER) indicate if the part is running at a given moment. The PELLET light indicates there is no longer a fire in the grill.
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