Please read the instructions before operating the product.
Attention: The quadcopter includes a built-in rechargeable battery that is non-replaceable. The included rechargeable battery is not fully charged prior to shipment and must be charged before the first use.
- Blade protector
- Charging port
- Front shell
- Motor
- Motor seat
- Camera lens
- LED light
- Blade
- Power switch
- Power switch
- 360° flip button
- Direction lever
- Forward trim
- Right trim
- Headless mode
- Backwards trim
- Left trim
- Power indicator
- Other four buttons are no function
- One key take off / landing
- Throttle lever
- Speed button
- Unscrew to open battery cover, insert 4 x 1.5V AA batteries. (see Diagram 1)
- Replace battery cover.
Attention: Remove batteries after you have finished using your product.
Diagram 1
Requires 4 x 1.5V AA batteries (not included).
Attention: Do not charge battery immediately after each play, let the battery cool down for a while.
- Press and hold the quadcopter power switch a second to turn off the quadcopter.
- Connect USB charging cable plug with quadcopter charging interface, see Diagram 2.
- Put the cable into the computer USB interface. The USB indicator lights up when it has started charging.
- Once the indicator light turns off, the battery is fully charged. Unplug the USB charging cable from computer USB interface and disconnect with quadcopter.
Diagram 2
Attention: Select a large, wide-open area for flying, and make sure that there are no obstructions, animals, people or overhead powerlines nearby. Do not operate the quadcopter in strong wind, rain or snow etc.
- Press and hold the quadcopter power switch for a second to turn on the quadcopter, the LED light on the quadcopter will be flashing. Ensure you are least 2 metres from the back of the quadcopter.
- Set the power on the remote control to “ON”.
- Push the throttle lever up, you will hear one beep sound. After this, push it down and you will hear a beep sound again. If the power indicator on the quadcopter stops flashing, the pairing is successful. If pairing is not successful, please repeat steps 1-3.
- The quadcopter’s gyroscope needs to be calibrated after pairing. Pull the throttle lever and direction lever to the lower right at the same time (see Diagram 3). You will hear one beep sound and the LED light on quadcopter will change from flashing to steady lighting. This means that the calibrating is successful.
- There are two ways to fly / launch the quadcopter:
Normal mode: Pull the throttle lever to the lower left and the direction lever to the lower right at the same time (see Diagram 4), the quadcopter will unlock while the propeller starts to work.
Altitude hold mode: No need to unlock the quadcopter, press the one key take off / landing button after pairing the quadcopter. The quadcopter will automatically rise to a height of about 1.5 metres Now you can operate your quadcopter.
Diagram 3 Diagram 4
descend |
Push up the throttle lever slowly, the quadcopter will ascend.
Pull down the throttle lever slowly, the quadcopter will descend. |
![]() |
Move the throttle lever to left, the quadcopter will rotate anticlockwise.
Move the throttle lever to right, the quadcopter will rotate clockwise. |
backwards |
Push up the direction lever, the quadcopter will fly forward.
Pull down the direction lever, the quadcopter will fly backwards. |
fly to the left
fly to the right |
Move the direction lever to left, the quadcopter will fly to the left.
Move the direction lever to right, the quadcopter will fly to the right. |
Tip: The LED light will flash slowly when the quadcopter is low in battery. Please recharge the battery when the light is flashing.
Tip: Ensure the quadcopter flying height is at least 3 metres from the ground when you perform a 360 degree flip function.
Press the flip button
Tumbling to the left
Tumbling to the right |
Press the flip button
Tumbling forward
Tumbling backward |
In headless mode, any side of the quadcopter can be treated as the front of the quadcopter. How to transfer normal state to headless mode:
- You can enter headless mode during stable flying or before flying.
- Press the headless mode button, you will hear a beep sound, the LED light on quadcopter will be flash, that means the quadcopter has entered headless mode. You can play the quadcopter under headless mode now.
- Press the headless mode button again, you will hear a beep sound, the LED light on quadcopter will be lit, the quadcopter will turn back to the normal flying mode.
- Low speed mode: It is the default speed mode of quadcopter.
- Medium speed mode: Press the speed button, the quadcopter will be in the medium speed mode when you hear two beep sounds.
- High speed mode: Press the speed button again, the quadcopter will be in the high speed mode when you hear three beep sounds. Press the speed button again, the quadcopter will go back to the low speed mode when you hear a beep sound.
Slowly raise the throttle stick and let the quadcopter lift-off the ground, you can use the trim to correct the action if the quadcopter leans to the wrong direction.
1. If the quadcopter drifts forward, press the backwards trim button as shown in Diagram 5 to trim it backwards until it stops drifting. If the quadcopter drifts backwards, press the forward trim button as shown in Diagram 5 to trim it forward until it stops drifting.
Diagram 5
2. If the quadcopter drifts to left, press the right trim button as shown in Diagram 6 to trim it to right until it stops drifting. If the quadcopter drifts to right press the left trim button as shown in Diagram 6 to trim it to left until it stops drifting.
Diagram 6
There are two ways to land the quadcopter.
- Press the one key take off / landing button to land the quadcopter.
- Hold the throttle lever down until the quadcopter land on the ground.
Mobile phone holder installation (the mobile phone is not included):
1. 2.
Diagram 7 Diagram 8 Diagram 9
- Slide mobile phone holder into controller, see Diagram 7.
- Push up the mobile phone holder to a fix the mobile phone, see Diagram 8-9.
WIFI Connection description
Please download and install the software SKY-Drone720p or scan the QR code for Google Play & IOS App Store below.
OR code for Google Playa IOS App Store
Connect description:
- Ensure the quadcopter has been turned on.
- Turn on WIFI on mobile phone, choose the network “Drone720p-XXXXXX” and connect.
- Once the WIFI connection is successful, launch the App SKY-Drone720p. Please note that connection to the quadcopter’s WIFI will disrupt the existing WIFI connection you may be using.
- After App SKY-Drone720p is launched successful, pair the quadcopter to remote control, see CONTROL METHOD on page 2.
Attention: Use the remote for navigating and holding a phone to capture images and avoid footage.

- Take Pictures
- Take Videos
- Viewing Pictures / Videos
- Screen Rotation
- Please follow the instructions for correct installation and use. Some parts require assembly by an adult.
- The product contains small parts and is a choking hazard.
- Do not touch the hot motor and batteries.
- Do not touch working propellers.
- Do not fly towards yourself or other people.
- Adult supervision is required.
- Throw away the packaging material straight away, as this can cause harm to children.
- Non rechargeable batteries are not rechargeable.
- To charge the rechargeable battery, it will need to be done by an adult.
- Do not mix old and new batteries or batteries of different types.
- Do not short circuit the battery or put the battery in fire.
- Do not leave the toy unattended while charging it.
- When the battery is low, please return the quadcopter and recharge it.
- Charge the toy on non-flammable surface and keep it away from flammable items.
- Turn the charger off when the toy’s battery is charged, and always unplug it from the toy.
- If the toy has been damaged, immediately stop use, unplug, and safely move the toy away from flammable materials.
- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for charging the toy. Do not charge longer than recommended.
Do not use the product for a long time. Remove the battery after use. - To avoid injury, do not touch the rotating parts.
- Do not impact or drop the drone or remote control.
- Please use a clean soft cloth to clean the product.
- The user has the responsibility to ensure that the product will not cause harm to themselves or others.
- The manufacturers and dealers do not bear any responsibility for injuries or damage to property caused by improper use.
- The packaging and instructions contain important information of products, please keep for future reference.
- Only fly during the day and keep your quadcopter within visual line-of-sight. This means being able to see the quadcopter with your own eyes (rather than through a device) at all times.
- Do not fly your quadcopter higher than 120 metres (400ft) above the ground.
- Keep your quadcopter at least 30 metres away from other people.
- Do not fly your quadcopter over or near an area affecting public safety or where emergency operations are underway (without prior approval). This could include situations such as a car crash, police operations, a fire and associated firefighting efforts, and search and rescue.
- Only fly one quadcopter at a time.
- Do not fly over or above people. This could include beaches, parks, events, or sport ovals where there is a game in progress.
- Keep at least 5.5km away from controlled aerodromes if your quadcopter weighs more than 100g. Flying within 5.5km of a non-controlled aerodrome or quadcopter landing site (HLS) is possible, but only if no manned aircraft are operating to or from the aerodrome. If you become aware of manned aircraft operating to or from the aerodrome/HLS, you must manoeuvre away from the aircraft and land as soon as safely possible.
- Do not operate your quadcopter in a way that creates a hazard to another aircraft, person or property.
- Respect personal privacy do not record or photograph people without their consent-this may breach state laws.
- Important information for quadcopter users.
Quadcopter must be kept in clear sight of the operator’s own eyes and not through a device (such as VR goggles) at all times. For more information on quadcopter use, please see droneflyer.gov.au