Water Wheeler ASL Electric Pedal Boat User Manual
Congratulations on the recent purchase of your new pedal boat! You have purchased a boat from one of the nations leading manufacturers of small boats. Your boat represents years of commitment to product design, excellence in engineering and quality in manufacturing. With proper care and maintenance your pedal boat should last for many years to come . Please call our helpful and knowledgeable Customer Support Department if you have any questions.
Your pedal boat is manufactured from High Density Polyethylene (HOPE). It is a very durable material. Our specially formulated HOPE has an ultra-violet inhibitor blended throughout the material to reduce color fade and maintain its strength. Polyethylene is a somewhat flexible material with some memory. This means it has a tendency to return to its original molded shape if distorted. All boats are equipped with closed cell foam for flotation.
Install the rudder. Be sure to attach the cotter ring through the end of the clevis pin to hold the pin in place. The “flag” portion of the rudder points away from the boat.
Adjustable Seat Backs
Two adjustable seats come with our Water Wheeler ASL Electric Pedal Boat. Adjust the seat to accommodate your height by placing it in the notched positions. For lounging, simply place seat in the back footwell notches.
Drain Plug
Make sure your drain plug is secure. The drain plug is in the center bow of the boat just below the rubrail. See Photo #1.

Electric Motor
Locate the box containing the motor and other accessories and carefully follow the installation instructions. Please refer to Operating Your Electric Pedal Boat for additional information . Note: battery not included.
If you choose you may manually pedal your boat as well.
- Carefully follow the installation instructions provided by the motor manufacturer . Be sure to attached the color-coded wires to the proper terminals. Do not install the motor with the boat in the water.
- Install the battery (not included). The battery should be either a F24 or F27 RV/Marine Deep cycle 12 VDC battery. Position the battery so the terminals are closest to the back seat. Be sure to attach the battery leads to the proper poles. Red is positive (+) and black is negative (-). Secure the battery with the battery strap. DO NOT transport the boat on a trailer or pick up truck with the battery installed. Bouncing and jarring of the battery during transport could crack the battery compartment.
- Install the prop on the motor using the shear pin and prop nut. Make sure the prop nut is snug.
- The control panel has a forward/reverse and speed control switch. It provides five forward speeds and three reverse. Lower the motor to the operating position by pressing the spring in the middle to break the spring Do not operate the motor in the “UP” position. Stay clear of the prop . The motor should rotate counter clockwise. Set the direction control switch to REVERSE and repeat procedure. The motor should turn clock-wise. All five speeds in forward and three in reverse should operate properly. If they don’t review the wiring diagram carefully and make sure all wires are connected to the proper terminals. If the unit still fails to operate properly, contact the motor manufacturer for assistance.
- You should be able to operate your electric pedal boat 2-5 hours on a fully charged deep cycle marine battery . Running the motor at less than top speed significantly extends the time before the battery needs recharging. If the battery should run down to the extent that progress is unsatisfactory you have the option of manually pedaling the boat to supplement the thrust of the motor.
Warranty Registration
To properly register your boat with KL Outdoor for warranty validation please fill out the warranty registration form online at www.sundolphin.com. Please review our full warranty statement. The serial number can be found on the outside of the hull in the back right corner just under the rubrail. See Photo #2.

Manufacturers Statement of Origin (MSO)
You should receive a MSO with your new boat. Some states may require a MSO for proper registration of your boat. If you plan on putting an electric motor on then it may be necessary to register it. Please check with your local dealer or state licensing bureau.
Owner’s Manual
Keep your owner’s manual for future reference. It is a good idea to write down the following information:
Serial Number____________________________________
Date of Purchase__________________________________
Purchased from___________________________________
Applying Decals
Before applying boat registration decals (if required), clean the area with alcohol or any solvent that does not leave a residue. Make sure solvent is put aside and is dry. Using a propane torch, lightly pass the flame back and forth over the area where the decals will be applied. Don’t try to heat the surface. This process will enhance the adhesion of the decals.
Electric Motor Operation
Follow all safety precautions. When launching. be sure the motor is in the “up position”. To put it in the up position lift the handle up until the spring is straight. The spring is stiff enough to hold the motor in this position. CAUTION: When the motor is in the “UP” position the motor skeg may extend up to ¼” below the pontoons. Do not drag or push boat. This may cause irreparable damage to the motor if jammed.
Battery Charging
Make sure the battery is fully charged. Charging should be done in an area out of the weather. A 100 VAC/12 VDC automatic battery charger with at least 6 amps 12 VDC output capacity is recommended. An automatic model will prevent overcharging and dam aging the battery. Follow the guidelines below for charging:
- Remove the battery from the boat and connect it to the battery charger in a sheltered area out of the weather.
- If the charger has a dual voltage setting be sure it is set at 12 VDC. Make sure the 110 VDC power connection is protected by a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI).
- Connect the battery charger to a 110 VAC outlet. Be sure to carefully follow all instructions in the charger operations
Charging is best accomplished by leaving the charger connected overnight. Charging time will vary from a couple of hours to a couple of days depending on the capacity of the charger and the state of discharge of the battery. CAUTION: Do not attempt to charge the battery in the boat while the boat is in the water.
Remember you are handling a 110 VAC power source. If the charger is kicked into the water, exposed to rain or if the power cord falls into the water a short or severe electrical shock could result if the 100 VAC circuit is not protected by a GFCI. Follow the charging procedures manual supplied with the charger.
Motor Operation and Control
Do not run the motor out of the water for more than a few seconds. Water acts as a lubricant for the motor shaft seal. Once
the boat is in the water (make sure the water is deep enough) lower the motor by pressing the spring under the handle in the middle until it folds in half and allows the motor to drop into position. Do not operate the motor in the “UP” position. This could damage the prop, motor and hull. Set the direction switch to FORWARD or REVERSE and set the speed control to the desired speed. The motor will start immediately. Steer the boat by turning steering handle right or left. Do not immediately shift from #3, 4 or 5 forward speed to #1, 2 or 3 reverse speed. The sudden counter rotation of the motor could damage some of its internal components and significantly shorten the motor life.
Prior to beaching the boat be sure to raise the motor and lock it in the “UP” position by extending the spring until it is straight.
Battery life between charges is dependent upon hours of operation and also at what speed the boat is operated. Operation at less than top speed will extend the usable period between each battery charge.
The electric motor circuitry is protected by a 30 amp circuit breaker located on the control panel. If the prop becomes fouled with weeds or fishing line or strikes an object the amp draw from the battery will “trip” (pop out) and interrupt the flow of electricity to the motor and circuitry. If the circuit breaker “trips” and is telling you there is an electric overload turn the motor to “OFF”. Pedal the boat to shore and raise the motor. Examine the prop carefully and remove anything that would impede the prop. Often fishing line gets wrapped around the shaft and it’s not always visible.
Once the prop is clear lower the motor and push in the circuit breaker to reset it. If it trips again, don’t use the motor. Refer to the trouble-shooting guide in this manual or call KL Outdoor.
Electric Motor Prop
When operating the boat at the #5 speed setting with only one person some prop noise may be experienced. This noise is created by minor ventilation of the prop and will not have a significant detrimental affect on performance nor will it harm the motor. Boat speed can be further enhanced by pedaling the boat in conjunction with the motor. CAUTION: Do not use the electric motor when contact with swimmers or bystanders could occur. Severe injury could result from contact with the spinning prop. Children operating the boat should be closely supervised by an adult.
Your pedal boat has a covered compartment in the rear. Always face the stern (rear) of the boat towards the direction of travel to prevent the wind from tearing the compartment lid off. If this happens you can contact KL Industries for replacement.
Do not transport the Water Wheeler ASL Electric with the battery installed. Bouncing and jarring of the battery during transport could crack the battery compartment.
Do not transport with the adjustable seat backs in place. They may bounce out.
With minimal care and maintenance, your boat has been designed to provide you with many years of enjoyment.
- Drain any water accumulated between deck and
- Your pedal boat can be cleaned with warm water and any standard detergents. More difficult stains, such as brackish watermarks may be cleaned with a petroleum based cleaner. Read the manufacturers’ instructions carefully before using any cleaner.
- If your boat is used in salt-water environments it is suggested that the boat and components be rinsed thoroughly with fresh water after each use. See optional accessories for salt-water
- Your pedal boat comes standard with our exclusive oil impregnated bronze bushings. They are commercial quality and don’t need frequent lubricating. After the first few uses you may see a black watermark down the inside of your boat. This is simply the paint on the crank inside the bushing wearing This is normal and can be cleaned as above.
- Use some care when beaching the boat. Avoid dragging it across asphalt, concrete or sharp rocks to prevent excessive wear and abrasion to the hull
- Polyethylene is a somewhat flexible material with some memory. This means it has a tendency to return to its’ original molded shape if If this occurs follow these steps:
- Relieve the pressure that caused the dent or distortion by supporting the boat differently or removing
- Place the boat in the warm Usually the south side of a building is the warmest spot. As the boat warms up usually (but not always) the boat will return to its original molded shape. This may take a few hours or a couple of weeks depending upon outside temperatures and the degree of distortion.
- If possible, it is best to store your pedal boat inside for the If stored outside custom mooring covers that prevent water and debris from accumulating are available from KL Outdoor. Order online at www.sundolphin.com.
- When storing your boat, open the drain plug and stand it on its front bow to ensure proper drainage. Either store it on its bow or turn it upside
- Don’t allow water to accumulate between the deck and hull and freeze. Freezing damages the polystyrene flotation
- Don’t place the boat on 4×4’s or Dents will form in the hull.
- Where is the serial number located? The serial number is located in the back right hand corner on the outside of the hull just below the rubrail. The number will be stamped on a silver plate, starts with KU and is 12 digits See Photo #2.
- There is water inside my boat. Is this normal? Just like any boat, your boat may take on some water. Because of its flexible nature, a polyethylene boat is prone to accumulate a small amount of water between the deck and hull. Water may accumulate between the deck and hull due to rain, waves and condensation. This is normal, not a defect, and should be drained periodically. Do not return to the retailer. Remove the drain plug located under bow rubrail and tip the boat up to drain. See Photo #1. It is also normal for water to come out where the deck and hull meet if there is an excessive amount of water. Replace the drain plug by inserting a Phillips head screw driver in the hole in the plug and push the plug into the hole. Remove battery before draining your
- There is black oil coming out of my bushings and running into the Is this normal? After the first few uses you may see a black watermark down the inside of your boat. This is simply the paint on the crank inside the bushing wearing off. This is normal and can be cleaned with warm water and any standard detergents.
- How should I store my boat in the winter? See
- What can I do if dents form in the hull from improper storage? Expose the dent to warm sunlight preferably on the south side of a building. As the plastic warms it will usually (but not always) return to its molded shape. This process may take one day to two weeks.
Read the following information before using your pedal boat. Failure to follow the warning precautions below may lead to serious injury including the possibility of death.
- Never exceed the maximum weight capacity.
- Never exceed your ability: Assess your physical capability as to how far and how long you can pedal and swim.
- Make sure your drain plugs are secure.
- Always familiarize yourself with the body of the water where you will be boating: Learn what hour boating is permitted, whether there are any known hazardous conditions, and where you can get help quickly in case of emergency or accident.
- Always abide by Coast Guard regulations and State and local laws, regulations, ordinances and rules concerning boating and boating safety: Check with Coast Guard and local authorities concerning proper handling and the proper equipment to be carried on board, such as lights and sound-producing devices.
- Never use or consume alcohol, drugs or any other substance that may affect your coordination, judgment or ability to safely operate the boat.
- Sound device: The Coast Guard requires boaters to have a means of signaling other boats of their presence. You should always keep a device such as a whistle in the boat at all times. If possible, attach the sound device to your Personal Flotation Device.
- Never stand up in the boat: Standing in the boat may cause it to capsize. If the boat should capsize, please note that, in most cases it is far more dangerous to attempt to swim to shore than to stay with the boat.
- Slippery when wet: The hull material may be slippery when wet. Always wear slip-resistant shoes.
- Hypothermia: Boating accidents in cold water are very dangerous. Hypothermia (the loss of body heat due to immersion in cold waters) can be deadly. Survival time can be as short as 15 minutes in 35 degree F (2 degree C) water. Dress appropriately for weather conditions, wearing a wet or dry suit if necessary.
- Never allow minors to use this boat without adult supervision: Never allow any minor to use this boat unless accompanied by an adult.
- Never use this boat alone: It is best to have someone with you in case of emergency or accident. Also, always tell someone your boating plans, including where you are going, how long you will be gone and how many people you’ll be with.
- Never use this boat in severe weather conditions: Although stable, large waves could cause the boat to overturn.
- Never use this boat in rapids or fast moving currents: This boat is designed for leisure. The boat could be damaged and (or) the occupants could be severely injured should they attempt to utilize it in any other way.
- Never use this boat after sunset: This boat is not equipped with horns or lighting equipment required to ensure the safety of its occupants.
- Every passenger should always wear a Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD) when using this boat: Before going boating, read the PFD manufacturer’s information pamphlet regarding the PFD and thoroughly familiarize yourself with how the PFD is to be worn.
Water Wheeler ASL Electric
Water Wheeler ASL Electric
Your KL Outdoor product represents years of commitment to product design, excellence in engineering and quality in manufacturing. With proper care and maintenance, your KL Outdoor product should last for many years to come. If you have any questions or need technical support, please go to the “Contact Us” section of our website at www.sundolphin .co m or contact our Customer Service Department at 231-332-1700.
Do not return your KL Outdoor Product to the retailer. If you have any questions regarding a product, please first contact us. In order to provide you with efficient and accurate service, please have the following information available: model and serial number, date and proof of purchase.
This Limited Lifetime Warranty is not valid unless registration is submitted within 30 days of retail purchase. Please register your Product via our website at www.sundolphin.com.
KL Outdoors’s Limited Warranty is subject to the Exclusions and Limitations set forth below and is valid only if the product i) is properly cared for and maintained, in accordance with the applicable user manual, and ii) is used for the intended purpose for which it was designed.
KL Outdoor warrants to the original owner of any KL Outdoor product purchased from an authorized dealer or retail outlet for the period set forth below with respect to the applicable product (“Product Warranty Term”), against any defects in workmanship. Products with valid claims for such defects will be repaired or replaced, without charge, at the purchasers’ local authorized dealer or at KL Outdoor. This warranty is non-transferable.
Boat Deck and Hull: Limited Lifetime to the original owner only; Boat components: one (1) year; Outta Site Hunting Blinds: one (1) year
*Subject to Exclusion and Limitations below. Product Warranty Term is measured from date of purchase.
This warranty does not cover:
- Damage caused by accidents, vandalism, abuse, misuse, neglect or carelessness.
- Any defect cause by alteration or modification.
- Any product used for rental or commercial
- Damage caused by Mother Nature, environmental conditions or other causes beyond the control of KL Outdoor, including without limit sun-exposure fade.
- Deterioration from normal wear or
- Any defect which would not have occurred if instructions in the owner’s manual had been properly
- Abrasion damages to the deck or hull of any boat product or other products.
- Damages incurred in possession of a freight company or any other third
- Loss of electronic devices. We do not have any water proof compartments in our boats and caution should be taken when bringing any electronic devices in any boat
The return of any KL Outdoor product subject to a valid Limited Warranty claim will not be accepted without a return authorization number. The retailer can obtain this number by contacting our Customer Service Department.
Any claim under this Limited Warranty must be communicated via our website at www.sundolphin.com or by contacting Customer Service. Please have the following information available: model , serial number, proof of purchase and photos of the defect. KL Outdoor will evaluate the information and determine if it 1s a valid defect in workmanship prior to issuing a return authorization number.
KL Outdoor reserves the right to discontinue and make changes in any of its products. In the event that products covered by this Limited Warranty are not available, KL Outdoor shall have the right to substitute products at KL Outdoors’s sole discretion of comparable grade, quality or price.
Waiver of one or more claims procedures shall not act to void or waive any other term of this Limited Warranty or any future occurrence of the provision waived.
Freight to and from your local dealer, retailer or KL Outdoor is at the owner’s expense. KL Outdoor is not responsible for any damages incurred in transport, for storing or for inconvenience or loss of time or money while repairs or replacements are being made.
ALL IN CIDEN TAL, SPECIAL, AND/OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES are excluded from this Limited Warranty. Implied warranties, to the extent prohibited from exclusion hereunder by a specific State law, are limited to the Product Warranty Term of this Limited Warranty in such State jurisdictions. To the extent a specific State does not allow i) limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or ii) the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, then the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you provided you are otherwise subject to such State jurisdiction . This Limited Warranty gives you special legal rights and you may also have other legal rights which may vary from state to State to the extent not limited hereunder.
This Limited Warranty only covers products within the continental United States, Canada and Mexico. No warranty is offered on any KL Outdoor Product sold in any other country.