Swann Security (Android)
With the Swann Security app, you can turn your mobile device into a monitoring centre for your security device. Have the peace of mind that you can monitor your home or business at any time from any place. Best of all, it only takes minutes to get it up and running (if you have an iOS mobile device, flip the page for instructions).
To download the app:
- Search for “Swann Security” at your app store or scan the QR code below.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to install and accept any license requirements that may appear.
- After installing Swann Security, locate the app and tap the icon to run.
QSSWANNSECREV4E | © Swann 2019
Registering your Account – Step 1
Before registering your account, the app will request if it can access files, record audio & video and to access your device’s location. Tap the “Allow” and or “Always Allow” button for each request.
To register, tap “Register”.
Proceed to the step below.
Enter your first name and last name then tap the right arrow button (top right).
Proceed to Step 2.
Registering your Account – Step 2
The app will detect your current location. Tap the right arrow button.
Proceed to the step below.
If this is the correct location that your security device is located, tap the right arrow button and proceed to Step 3.
If you would like to change the location, tap to change then tap the right arrow button and proceed to Step 3
Registering your Account – Step 3
Tap the relevant place of purchase then tap the right arrow button.
Proceed to the step below.
Enter an email address and password for your account. The password must contain a mixture of letters and numbers. Enter your password again to confirm. For safe keeping, write down your password.
Tap the checkbox to agree to the terms of service.
When finished, tap “Register”.
Proceed to Step 4.
Pairing your Security Device – Step 4
You will receive an email asking to verify your email address (you cannot sign in until this is done). Once verified, tap “Next”.
You will be taken back to the sign in page (as shown in Step 1). Enter your email address and account password then tap “Sign In”.Proceed to the step below.
After sign in, to pair your security device to your account, you need to scan the device’s QR code. Make sure that your mobile device and your security device are connected to the same Wi-Fi or modem.
When ready, tap “Start”.
Proceed to Step 5
Pairing your Security Device – Step 5
Hold your mobile device over the QR code stick-er on top of your DVR or NVR to scan. When the QR code has been successfully scanned, you will see this screen as shown on the left.
The default user name for your DVR or NVR is .
Enter the created during the Startup Wizard on your DVR or NVR.
When finished, tap “Save”.
Proceed to the step below.
When your security device has been success-fully linked to your account, tap “Done”.
You will now see a live view of your cameras.
For a description of the functions available, access the User Manual function within the app. This instruction manual is also available to download from support.swann.com. Search for – Swann Security Manual.
Swann Security (iOS)
With the Swann Security app, you can turn your mobile device into a monitoring centre for your security device. Have the peace of mind that you can monitor your home or business at any time from any place. Best of all, it only takes minutes to get it up and running (if you have an Android mobile device, flip the page for instructions).
To download the app:
- Search for “Swann Security” at your app store or scan the QR code below.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to install and accept any license requirements that may appear.
- After installing Swann Security, locate the app and tap the icon to run.
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Registering your Account – Step 1
Before registering your account, the app will request if it can send you notifications and to access your device’s location. Tap the “Allow” and or “Always Allow” button for each request.
Tap “Register” to start.
Proceed to the step below.
Enter your first name and last name then tap “Next”.
Proceed to Step 2
Registering your Account – Step 2
The app will detect your current location. Tap the “OK” button then tap the “Allow” button.
If this is the correct location that your security device is located, tap “Next”.
If you would like to change the location, tap “Change”, enter your location then tap “Next”.Proceed to the step below.
Enter an email address and password for your account. The password must contain a mixture of letters and numbers. Enter your password again to confirm. For safe keeping, write down your password. Accept the terms of service. When finished, tap “Register”.
Proceed to Step 3
Registering your Account – Step 3
You will receive an email asking to verify your email address (you cannot sign in until this is done). Once verified, tap “Login”.
Proceed to the step below.
Enter your email address and account pass-word then tap “Sign In”.
Proceed to Step 4.
Pairing your Security Device – Step 4
After sign in, to pair your security device to your account, you need to scan the device’s QR code. Make sure that your mobile device your security device are connected to the same Wi Fi or modem.
When ready, tap “Start”.
Proceed to the step below.
If you see a message about the app requesting to access the camera on your mobile design, tap “OK”.
Hold your mobile device over the QR code stick-er on top of your DVR or NVR to scan. When the QR code has been successfully scanned, you will see this screen as shown on the left.
Proceed to Step 5.
Pairing your Security Device – Step 5
The default user name for your DVR or NVR is , tap to enter.
Tap to enter the created during the Startup Wizard on your DVR or NVR.
When finished, tap “Next”.
Proceed to the step below.
The app will verify your connection and you will now see a live view of your cameras.
For a description of the functions available, access the User Manual function within the app. This instruction manual is also available to download from support.swann.com. Search for – Swann Security Manual.