Vgate iCar Pro BLE 4.0
How do I know whether my vehicle is OBDII compliant?
1996 or newer model year vehicle sold in the United States.United States legislation requires all cars and light trucks model year (MY) 1996 and newer to be OBD2 compliant. 2001 or newer model year gasoline vehicle sold in the European Union. 2004 or newer model year diesel vehicle sold in the European Union
What OBDII Protocols does iCar Pro BLE4.0 support?
- AE J1850 PWM
- ISO 14230-4 KWP
- ISO 15765-4 CAN
- ISO 9141-2
What is the best OBDII app works great with iCar Pro BLE4.0?
We recommend OBD AUTO DOCTOR app. iCar Pro series are well tested with this app. Scan below QR Code to get the free version( in-app upgrade to Pro)
Install OBDII App on your Phone Pad
Download OBD II app and install
- Download 3rd party apps from App store
- The App developer was tested and recommended iCar Pro BLE4.0
Download OBD II app and install
- Torque Lite < Most popular. Lite version is free>
- OBD Auto Doctor < Excellent Free app, Upgrade to Pro in-app >
- OBD Fusion <Excellent 3rd party app>
Plug iCar Pro BLE4.0 adapter to DLC (OBDII Diagnostic Link Connector)
The OBDII DLC is usually located under instrument panel (Dash)on the driver side.
If you want to know more above DLC, Please visit : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_link_connector_(automotive)
Turn vehicle ignition to Key On, Engine Off position
LED indicator status
- RED : Power indicator. Light will on
- GREEN : OBD indicator . Blink once
- BLUE: Bluetooth indicator . Off
Automatically OBD device wake up and Super Power Saving on iCar Pro series
- Allow the user to leave the iCar Pro in OBD Socket without unplug and plug operation .Supper low power consumption<sleep mode> is low to “2.7ma” level.
- Automatically wake up function to power on iCar Pro every time when you are start with key on engine off (KOEO)position. The device wake up speed is fast to “ms” level . Allow user to start the diagnostic operation more quickly.
Troubleshooting note:
No LED lighting?
- Please check blown fuses on the vehicle
- The adapter is improperly installed. Please remove it from DLC port and plug it again.
How to pair iCar Pro BLE 4.0 to your device (use OBD Auto Doctor)
Pair iCar Pro BLE4.0 to iOS device
Step 1: Enable Bluetooth on your iPhone .
Get ready to pair with device .
Can not see Bluetooth device name in iPhone?! Don’t worry. This device only require to configure Bluetooth device name in the OBD app setting. Just enable Bluetooth button on the iOS device and continue to the OBD app setting in step2
ONLY iOS supported Bluetooth profiles can show device name Bluetooth LE 4.0 technology isn’t apply for the supported Bluetooth profiles from iOS .So user can not find iCar Pro BLE4.0 Bluetooth device name. For iOS supported Bluetooth profiles ,please refer check this page: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204387
Step 2: Configure connectivity setting on the OBD Auto Doctor
- Run OBD Auto Doctor app
- Tap Extras button on the Status page
- Tap Connectivity in the setting menu to select connection type
- Select adapter type to Bluetooth
- Select device as Vgate
- Back to Status page, Click Start connect
- Initial adapter and connecting to vehicle .Bluetooth indicator LED (BLUE)and OBD data indicator (GREEN) keep blinking while system connecting. It will take about 30 seconds to connect
- Connected. All LED indicators lights on while sync data from vehicle
IMPORTANT NOTE: Different OBD II app has different Bluetooth setting steps. Please follow the steps on the app to configure the setting.
Pair iCar Pro BLE4.0 to Android device
Step 1:
- Enable Bluetooth on your Android Phone or Pad.
- Turn on Bluetooth, Enable visibility
- Select device name as“Android-Vlink” to pair. Enter password “1234 “
- Get Paired
Step 2: Configure connectivity setting on the OBD Auto Doctor
- Run OBD Auto Doctor app
- Tap Extras button on the Status page
- Tap Connectivity in the setting menu to select connection type
- Select adapter type to Bluetooth
- Search Bluetooth device
- Select ”Android-Vlink”
- Back to Status page, click to start connect
- Initial adapter and connecting to vehicle .Bluetooth indicator LED (BLUE)and OBD data indicator (GREEN) keep blinking while system connecting. It will take about 30 seconds to connect
- Connected. All LED indicators lights on while sync data from vehicle
What parameters and sensors does iCar Pro BLE4.0 support?
iCar Pro BLE4.0 supports the standard OBDII parameters (PIDs) as defined in SAE J1979 AUG2014(OBD AUTO DOCTOR app) .The actual list of available parameters is vehicle specific. Your vehicle must have those sensors to work with app.Different OBDII app might support different list of parameters and sensors.
Please refer to : https://www.obdautodoctor.com/obd-parameters
Supported Parameters(NOT FULL LIST):
PID Sensors
$01 Monitor status since DTCs Cleared
$02 DTC that caused required freeze frame data storage
$03 Fuel system status
$04 Calculated load value
$05 Engine coolant temperature
$06,$08 Short term fuel trim
$7,$9 Long term fuel trim
$10 Air flow rate from mass air flow sensor
$11 Absolute throttle position
$0A Fuel pressure
$0B Intake manifold absolute pressure
$0C Engine RPM
$0D Vehicle speed sensor
$0E Ignition timing advance for #1 Cylinder
$0F Intake air temperature
Product Upgrade:
Website: http://www.vgatemall.com/downloadcenter
To upgrade the product, please download the upgrade package and user manual of the corresponding model.