Volkswagen Jetta
Part Numbers:
24926 60364 77312
Do Not Exceed Lower of Towing Vehicle
Manufacturer’s Rating or
2000 LB (908 Kg) Max Gross Trailer Weight
200 LB (90.8 Kg) Max Tongue Weight
Accessory Rating A
Seal existing drain holes in the trunk pan to prevent intrusion of exhaust fumes and water.
Hitch Shown In Proper Position
Equipment Required: 7/16” Pull wire (Provided) & Sealant
Fastener Kit: 24926F
Wrenches: Torx® 25, 10mm, 13mm,
17mm, 19mm, 11/16, & 3/4”
Drill Bits: None
Note: sort hardware prior to hitch installation to confirmconical washer is kept coordinated with bolts.
1 | Qty. (1) | Hex Bolt M12X1.25X30 CL8.8 |
2 | Qty. (2) | Conical washer 1/2″ |
3 | Qty. (1) | Handle nut M12 |
4 | Qty. (1) | Carriage bolt 7/16-14X2.00 GR5 |
5 | Qty. (1) | Spacer .250X1.00X3.00 |
6 | Qty. (1) | Conical Washer 7/16″ |
7 | Qty. (1) | Hex nut 7/16-14 |
8 | Qty. (2) | Hex bolt M8X1.25X30 CL8.8 |
9 | Qty. (2) | Conical washer 3/8″ |
10 | Qty. (1) | Carriage bolt 1/2-13X2.00 GR5 |
11 | Qty. (1) | Spacer (egg shape) |
12 | Qty. (1) | Hex nut 1/2″ |
13 | Qty. (9) | Flat washer 5/16″ |
14 | Qty. (1) | Spacer, .437 X 1.0 X 2.0 |
- Remove the spare tire from the spare tire carrier inside of the trunk. Remove the vehicle forward rubber isolator from the trunk pan and install the fasteners (Item 10 & 11) through the trunk pan. Return plug to the vehicle owner.
- Remove plastic fascia covering from underneath the passenger side of the vehicle by removing the (3) Torx 25 screws and (2) plastic hex nuts. Return plastic fascia covering to the vehicle owner.
- Lower the exhaust by removing (2) bolts from the exhaust hanger bracket and the rubber exhaust isolator ahead of the axle. Support as required. Return bolts to the owner.
- Lower the fuel vapor canister on the passenger side (if present).
- Using the pull wire, feed the 7/16 carriage bolt and spacer(item 4 & 5), through the access slot in the frame rail on the passenger side leave the pull wire attached. See Figure 3. Bend the handle nut and insert it into the passenger side frame rail over the center hole location.
- Raise hitch into position. Push the 7/16 carriage bolt (only) with pull wire attached to the frame rail. Attach spacer(item 14) to the wire and pull the wire through the passenger side bracket and raise the passenger side into position. See Figure 2 . Pull the 7/16 carriage bolt through the spacer and side bracket and install fasteners loosely. Install M12 bolt into handle nut loosely. See Figure 1.
- Rotate the exhaust bracket forward out of the way and raise the hitch into place on the drivers’ side. Pull the exhaust bracket back into place and install the M8 X 1.25 X 30 bolt and 3/8” conical washer through the slots on the exhaust hanger bracket.
- Install ½-13 hex nut and spacer onto items 10 & 11 already installed in trunk pan as shown. Use a sealant (not provided) to prevent exhaust and water from entering. Seal the hole inside the trunk pan to prevent intrusion of exhaust fumes and water.
- Tighten all fasteners to specification.
- Reinstall the fuel vapor canister if lowered in step 4. Use (3) 5/16” flat washers to space the canister down, re-use the original M6 bolts.
- Reinstall the exhaust at the forward isolator, removed in step 1.
- Reinstall spare tire, removed in steps 1.
Serrer toute la visserie M8 CL8.8 au couple de 20 lb-pi (27 N.m). Serrer toute la visserie M12 CL8.8 au couple de 70 lb-pi (95 N.m). Serrer toute la visserie 7/16-17 GR5 au couple de 50 lb-pi (68 N.m). Serrer toute la visserie 1/2-13 GR5 au couple de 75 lb-pi (102 N.m).
© 2014 Cequent Performance Products, Inc. Hoja 3 de 3 24926N 10-31-14 Rev. A