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TOZO T12 Waterproof Earbuds Manual

Learn how to fit and operate the TOZO T12 Waterproof Earbuds using this manual. Also included are instructions for Bluetooth pairing, so that you can listen too as well as control your smartphone or other device.

TOZO T12 Waterproof Earbuds Manual Image

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TOZO T12 Waterproof Wireless Earbuds

TOZO T12 Waterproof Earbuds photo

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Please consider resetting your earbuds to factory setting if any abnormal connectivity issues occur by below steps:

  1. Pick up two earbuds from the charging case, then hold both earbud buttons for 5 seconds until the red light appears on to turn off the earbuds.
  2. Pressing the MFB Touch Pannel on each of earbuds for another 5 seconds till red and blue light blinking simultaneously, and then clicking the MFB Touch Pannel on each of earbuds twice quickly, the reset process will be done when the purple light blinking.


In case there is any unsuccessful message in your devices, please consider to delete historial records of [TOZO-T12] and try the paring process again.

Wearing Steps

Visual diagram of how to insert the earbuds into your ear

Inserting the left earbud

Inserting the right earbud

Diagram showing the different sized earbud inserts

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