403.543.82 HEMNES Bed Frame
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Buying guide
A good day always starts with a good night Feeling your best when you wake up starts with the right bed. In this buying guide, you will find all our beds, including bed frames with and without storage, day beds, guest beds, loft beds and bunk beds. You will also get an overview of our bed accessories, such as headboards and bed storage boxes. Of course, a bed is not complete without a mattress and bedding. You can test and find the best mattress for you in the mattress studio. The textiles department has a wide range of quilts, pillows and bed linen.
All the products (shown here) may not be available at the store. Please contact the staff or look at IKEA.sg for more information. For more detailed product information, see the pricetag and the Internet. All units require assembly.
Bed frames………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Storage beds ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Slatted bed bases and midbeam ………………………………………………………………… 6 Day beds, loft beds, bunk beds, guest beds………………………………………………….. 8 Accessories ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Bed frames
5 4 3
2 1
A complete bed frame with mattress consists of these parts:
1. Choose a bed frame and size.
2. SKORVA midbeam (art no. 701.705.03) is needed for most double beds. It is included in the price of the bed frame, but is picked up separately in the self-serve furniture area. For upholstered bed frames, the midbeam is included in both the price and packaging.
3. For most bed frames, you will also need to choose a slatted bed base, see more on pg 06.
4. Choose a mattress or use the one you have at home. You can find the best one for you in the mattress studio. For upholstered bed frames, the slatted bed base is included in the price and packaging.
5. Add a mattress pad of your choice for a softer sleeping surface.
*Single beds do not require SKORVA midbeam.
ASKVOLL bed frame, white. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Queen size
890.304.71 $299
King size
290.304.74 $369
BJÖRKSNÄS bed frame, birch. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Queen size
692.475.65 $799
DELAKTIG bed frame. Slatted bed base is included.
Queen size
DELAKTIG bed frame with headboard. Slatted bed base is included.
With rattan headboard
Queen size
With black headboard Queen size
$899 $849
DELAKTIG bed frame with headboard and 2 side tables. Slatted bed base is included.
With rattan headboard
Queen size
With black headboard Queen size
592.881.27 $1,079
GJÖRA bed frame, birch. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Queen size
HAUGA upholstered bed frame. Slatted bed base and midbeam are included.
VISSLE grey, polyester, fixed cover
Single size
Queen size
LOFALLET beige, polyester, fixed cover
Single size Queen size
804.500.70 304.836.43
$299 $399
$299 $399
HEMNES bed frame, stained pine. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
White stain
Single size
991.983.99 $399
Queen size
591.983.96 $599
King size
Black brown Single size Queen size King size
191.983.17 091.982.33 491.983.92
$399 $599 $699
IDANÄS bed frame. Midbeam included. LURÖY slatted bed base is included, but packaged separately.
Single size
Queen size
794.065.06 $399
Dark brown stained
Single size
094.064.92 $269
Queen size
GRIMSBU bed frame, grey metal. SKORVA midbeam not needed for this bed. LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Single size
Queen size
Bed frames
LEIRVIK bed frame, white metal. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Queen size King size
192.772.82 092.772.87
$229 $299
MALM bed frame. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY
slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately. White
Single size
990.095.63 $229
Super single size
590.095.60 $299
Queen size
990.094.50 $359
King size
590.094.47 $459
Black brown veneer Single size Queen size King size
490.095.65 790.094.51 390.094.53
$229 $359 $459
White stained oak veneer Single size Super single size Queen size King size
991.322.90 391.322.88 790.273.89 190.273.92
$229 $299 $359 $459
Brown stained ash veneer Single size Queen size King size
291.312.65 391.312.60 991.312.62
$229 $359 $459
NESTTUN bed frame, white metal. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Single size Queen size King size
691.580.26 991.580.20 191.580.24
$199 $229 $299
SAGSTUA bed frame, metal. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Single size
892.596.23 $199
Super single size
492.596.20 $249
Queen size
692.542.59 $299
King size
392.542.46 $399
Black Single size Queen size King size
292.688.52 492.689.12 392.688.42
$199 $299 $399
SLATTUM upholstered bed frame. Slatted bed base and midbeam are included.
KNISA grey, polyester, fixed cover
Single size
Super single size
Queen size
BOMSTAD black, coated fabric, fixed cover
Single size Queen size
204.502.28 704.502.21
$199 $249 $299
$249 $349
SONGESAND bed frame. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Queen size King size
192.412.88 892.413.03
$319 $389
Brown Queen size King size
492.410.60 392.410.65
$319 $389
TARVA bed frame, pine. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Single size Queen size King size
691.984.71 091.985.15 891.985.78
$119 $199 $269
TRYSIL bed frame. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately. Dark brown/black
Queen size
691.985.84 $299
White/light grey Queen size
TUFJORD upholstered bed frame. Slatted bed base and midbeam are included.
GUNNARED blue, polyester, fixed cover
Queen size
TYSSEDAL bed frame, white. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Queen size
King size
891.986.44 $799
Storage beds
BRIMNES bed frame with storage, 4 drawers, white. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Queen size
King size
BRIMNES bed frame with storage and headboard, 4 drawers. White. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Queen size
King size
HAUGA upholstered bed frame with 2 storage boxes. Slatted bed base and midbeam included.
VISSLE grey, polyester, fixed cover
Single size
Queen size
693.366.46 $499
LOFALLET beige, polyester, fixed cover
Single size
Queen size
893.366.45 $499
HAUGA upholstered bed frame with 4 storage boxes. Slatted bed base and midbeam included.
Vissle grey, polyester, fixed cover
Queen size
293.366.05 $599
Lofallet beige, polyester, fixed cover
Queen size
MALM bed frame with 2 storage boxes. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Single size
Super single size
Black brown veneer Single size
292.003.05 $299
White stained oak veneer Single size Super single size
192.009.52 392.009.65
$299 $369
Brown stained ash veneer Single size
MALM bed frame with 4 storage boxes. SKORVA midbeam and LURÖY slatted bed base are included, but packaged separately.
Queen size King size
791.995.83 191.997.79
$499 $599
Black brown veneer Queen size King size
292.006.21 892.007.36
$499 $599
White stained oak veneer Queen size King size
592.009.69 992.009.72
$499 $599
Brown stained ash veneer Queen size King size
091.990.01 191.990.05
$499 $599
MALM ottoman bed. Slatted bed base is included, and SKORVA midbeam is not needed for this bed.
Use one of the following mattresses to ensure that the bed will function safely: HÖVÅG, HAMARVIK and HYLLESTAD sprung mattresses.
White Queen size King size
904.048.03 804.048.13
$749 $849
Black-brown veneer Queen size King size
104.048.02 604.048.09
$749 $849
NORDLI bed frame with storage. Slatted bed base is included, and SKORVA midbeam is not needed for this bed.
White Queen size
803.498.50 $599
NORDLI bed frame with storage and headboard, white. Slatted bed base is included, and SKORVA midbeam is not needed for this bed.
Queen size
PLATSA bed frame with storage, white.
140×200 cm
904.530.87 $499
You can add PLATSA frames to the bed frame to solve your storage needs. Here are 2 of our favourite combinations. Find more in PLATSA buying guide. Slatted bed base, legs and SPILDRA top are included. SKORVA midbeam is not needed for this bed. Complete with 120×200 cm or 140×200 cm mattresses.
PLATSA bed frame with 2 door+3 drawers. 993.030.84
SONGESAND bed frame with 4 storage boxes. White
Queen size King size
492.413.43 492.413.57
Queen size King size
492.411.64 492.411.83
$479 $549
$479 $549
TUFJORD upholstered storage bed. Slatted bed base and midbeam are included.
GUNNARED blue, polyester, fixed cover
Queen size
004.501.92 $999
Visit the mattress studio to find the right mattress and mattress pad for you.
Mattress sizes (Width × Length) for bed frames, Single size : 90×200 cm. Super single size : 120x200cm. Queen size : 150×200 cm. King size : 180×200 cm.
Read more in the guarantee brochure.
Slatted bed bases and midbeam
Combined with a bed frame, slatted bed-bases can be used as a base for spring and and foam mattresses. They help your mattress last longer and stay comfortable by absorbing most of the stress and weight placed on your bed.
LURÖY slatted bed base. Extend the life of your mattress and get extra support with 17 wooden slats in the bed base.
Single, 90×200 cm
Super single 120×200 cm
801.628.90 $40
Queen, 150×200 cm
*King, 180×200 cm
*King size requires 2 sets of slatted bed bases.
2x $30
LÖNSET slatted bed base, fixed. 28 birch slats adjust to your body weight and increase the suppleness of the mattress. Comfort zones adjust to your body.
Single, 90×200 cm
302.787.08 $60
Queen, 150×200 cm
*King, 180×200 cm
*King size requires 2 sets of slatted bed bases.
2x $60
*SKORVA midbeam, Galvanized
Adjustable from 139-203cm
*Always included in the price of the bed frame when needed, but they
are to be picked up separately.
Read more in the guarantee brochure.
Day beds, loft beds, bunk beds and guest beds
Day bed frames
Day beds extend to a double bed that is 160 cm wide. Complete the day bed with two MOSHULT or MALFORS foam mattresses, 80×200 cm or two HUSVIKA spring mattresses, 80×200 cm. Slatted bed base is included and SKORVA mid beam is not needed for day beds.
BRIMNES day bed frame, white. 80/160×200 cm
503.544.85 $329
FLEKKE day bed frame, white. 80/160×200 cm
403.201.32 $599
FYRESDAL day bed frame, black.
80/160×200 cm
004.243.63 $299
HEMNES day bed frame. 80/160x200cm
White Grey
703.493.27 304.278.31
$629 $629
UTÅKER stackable bed, set of 2, pine.
80×200 cm
703.604.85 $229
Loft bed frames
Complete the loft bed with a mattress in a matching size. Each model has a maximum mattress thickness (for safety reasons) and a minimum required ceiling height* (see below). High beds and the upper bed of bunk or loft beds are not suitable for children under 6 years due to the risk of injury from falls. Slatted bed base is included and SKORVA mid beam is not needed for loft beds.
SMÅSTAD Loft bed with desk and storage. white. *Maximum mattress thickness: 20 cm. Minimum ceiling height required: 240 cm.
90×200 cm
304.540.37* $600
* This furniture must be secured to the wall.
TUFFING loft bed frame, white. *Maximum mattress thickness: 15 cm. Minimum ceiling height required: 240 cm.
90×200 cm
102.994.48 $169
VITVAL loft bed frame, white/light grey *Maximum mattress thickness: 13 cm. Minimum ceiling height required: 240 cm.
90×200 cm
204.112.32 $249
Bunk bed frames
Complete the bunk bed frame with 2 mattresses, 90×200 cm. For safety reasons, each model has a maximum mattress thickness* (see below). High beds and the upper bed of bunk or loft beds are not suitable for children under 6 years due to the risk of injury from falls. Slatted bed base is included and SKORVA mid beam is not needed for Bunk beds.
SVÄRTA bunk bed frame, silver colour. The ladder mounts on the right or the left side of the bed. *Maximum mattress thickness: 22 cm.
90×200 cm
902.479.74 $269
MYDAL bunk bed frame. 90x200cm The ladder mounts on the right or the left side of the bed. *Maximum mattress thickness: 19 cm.
Pine White
003.687.72 $289 104.483.11 $289
TUFFING bunk bed frame, grey. The ladder mounts on the right or the left side of the bed. *Maximum mattress thickness: 12 cm.
90×200 cm
802.392.34 $189
VITVAL bunk bed frame , White/light grey. *Maximum mattress thickness: 13 cm.
90×200 cm
Guest beds
FLEMMA guest bed, grey. 73×197 cm
103.687.43 $79
Accessories and prices
BRIMNES headboard, white.
For queen size Size: 166×111×28 cm For king size Size: 186×111×28 cm
002.759.28 $180 402.287.13 $200
NORDLI headboard, wall mounted.
For queen size Size: 240×84×4 cm
303.729.80 $200
Bed storage boxes
HAUGA upholstered bed storage boxes, 2 pack.
Vissle grey Lofallet beige
004.742.06 $100 504.742.04 $100
HEMNES bed storage box, set of 2.
White stain
Black brown
$120 $120
MALM bed storage box, 2 pack.
White Black brown White stained oak veneer Brown stained ash veneer
003.544.97 $70 603.544.99 $70 403.545.08 $70 203.544.96 $70
SONGESAND bed storage boxes, set of 2.
White Brown
103.725.37 $80 503.725.35 $80
VARDÖ bed storage box. 65×70 cm.
White Black
903.545.15 203.545.14
$39.90 $39.90
© Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2013/2019
Some prices may be subject to change.