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onn Bluetooth FM Transmitter 100079037 User Guide

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Connecting to your vehicle’s radio:

Insert the transmitter into your vehicle’s 12V or 24V accessory port to power it on. Tune your car radio to an FM channel where there is no transmission. Press the CH button on the transmitter and use Forward or Reverse buttons the set the transmitter to the same FM frequency.

Inserting the transmitter into a 12V outlet

Pairing with your Bluetooth device

Activate your smartphone or other device’s Bluetooth interface and connect to the transmitter. Look in the Bluetooth settings for “one. Car FM Transmitter.” Your Bluetooth device will now play over your car stereo.

Open your device’s music player and stream music to your device, or insert a USB drive with music. The MP3 audio files will be automatically recognized and the music will play or insert a TF card with music. The MP3 files will be automatically recognized and the music will play.

Plugging an external storage device into transmitter

Bluetooth Hands-free Usage

A quick and simple button will allow you to keep your eyes on the road and your hand on the wheel. Press the hands-free button once to answer or hang up a call.

Bluetooth hands-free usage diagram

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