Congratulations on purchasing your new KRUPS Evidence bean to cup machine! We recommend you follow the steps below to get your machine up and running as soon as possible.
- Switch on the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button until “Hello” appears on the screen and follow the instructions provided by your appliance.
CHECKING YOUR WATER HARDNESS - Fill a glass of water and insert the water hardness test strip. You can find the test strip in your KRUPS welcome pack.
- After 1 minute read the level of water hardness.
Degree of water hardness Appliance setting Soft 0 Slightly Hard 1 Moderately Hard 2 Hard 3 Very Hard 4 Update your machine with the water hardness setting during initial set up or settings on the machine or via the KRUPS Espresso app.
INSTALLING THE WATER FILTER - Remove the water tank from the back of the machine.
- Set the month when the cartridge is fitted (left side of the cartridge) by turning the grey ring located on the upper end of the filter. The month when the cartridge should be replaced is indicated on the right side of the cartridge or indicated by your machine. We recommend your machine is always fitted with a water filter, which is replaced every 3 months or when prompted by your machine.
- Screw the filter cartridge into the bottom of the water tank using the accessory supplied with the cartridge
- Fill and return the water tank.
- Place a 600ml container under the steam exit and allow the machine to complete the automatic rinse.
Now that you have set up your Evidence machine, it’s time to prepare your drink. Simply follow the instructions below or create your personalised drink via the KRUPS Espresso App.
ENJOY A CAPPUCCINO - Remove the lid of the coffee bean container and add coffee beans (max. 250 g).
- Replace the lid of the coffee bean container.
- You can lower or raise the coffee outlet according tothe size of your cup or glass.
- Place the cup(s) under the coffee nozzles. Select thedrink of your choice on the machine or via the KRUPS Espresso App.
- Connect the straight side of the milk tube to the”One Touch Cappuccino” block.
- Immerse the stainless steel tube into the milkcontainer and secure the lid. Connect the plastic tube to the milk container.
- Place the cup(s) under the coffee/milk nozzles.
- Press the “Cappuccino” button.
- Enjoy your drink.
- Or enjoy a Macchiato by pressing the “Macchiato” button.
To ensure that your machine is running smoothly for years to come, we recommend you follow the maintenance steps below.
We recommend cleaning the milk axis once you are ready to switch off your machine or after preparing a milk based drink. - Remove the milk tube.
- Remove the front lid of the coffee milk nozzles. Slide itownwards and pull it towards you.
- Remove the “One Touch Cappuccino” block bypulling the upper part of the block.
- Dismantle.
- Remove the milk tube connector.
- Clean all the dismantled parts(block, connector and milk tube) with soapy water. Then rinse them in hot water.
- Once the elements are clean and dry, assemble the block and return them to their original position.
- Replace the front lid of the block.
- Replace the connector in the milk tube…
- ..and plug into the block.
- Dismantle the nozzle from its support using the dismantling key.
- Clean the steam nozzle and ensure that the opening of the nozzle is not obstructed by the remains of milk or limescale. Use the cleaning needle if necessary, which can be found in your KRUPS welcome pack.
- Replace the nozzle and Start the rinse cycle for the One Touch Cappuccino block to remove any remaining deposits.
We recommend keeping your milk unit clean when the machine is not in use for best frothing results in the long run
We recommend descaling your machine when the alert appears on the display. The frequency of descaling is dependent your machine usage. - When the descaling alert level is reached and displayed, press OK to run the descaling program.
Please remove the water filter before running the descaling program.
Once the procedure has been launched, follow the instructions provided on the screen.
It is also possible to run a descaling cycle via the “Maintenance” menu→ “Descaling”.
To carry out a descaling program, you will require a container with a capacity of at least 600ml which should be placed beneath the “One Touch Cappuccino” block and a KRUPS descaling sachet (40g). Fill the water tank up to the CALC mark and pour one sachet of descaler into the tank.The descaling program comprises three phases: a descaling cycle and two rinsing cycles. The program lasts approximately 20 minutes.
We recommend installing a water filter to protect your machine against the build up of scale, see “Installing the water filter” section in the machine start up.
We recommend running a cleaning program when prompted by your machine or following a long period of inactivity. The cleaning cycle can be accessed via the “Maintenance” menu. - To run this cleaning program, you will need a container which holds at least 600ml, and which should be placed beneath the coffee outlets and the steam nozzle, and a KRUPS cleaning tablet. Carefully follow the instructions given on the screen. It is also possible to run a cleaning cycle via the “Maintenance” menu.
- After a certain number of coffees, the machine will ask you to empty the coffee grounds collector and the drip tray. If the message “Please empty the two trays” is displayed, remove, empty and clean the drip collector tray. Remove, empty and clean the coffee grounds collector.
- Light-medium roasts are the best to start with if you are new to the own ground coffee experience, this will help you find the best flavour and aroma of coffee for you.
- Use your machine on a regular basis once or twice a day, leaving your machine for longer periods of inactivity can be bad for the quality of the output. If you are leaving your machine for longer periods (eg to go on holiday) empty the water tank and remove the beans (store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place). Ensure you clean your machine before first use upon return by running a full coffee through to clean the system.
- Do a quick rinse when you use the steam arm to remove milk residue. A quick clean after every use can increase the longevity of your machine. Just rinse off and wipe the arm before going to enjoy your fresh coffee.
- When using a new bean roast, start at the most coarse grind setting, and adjust to taste. Be careful of flavoured beans or extra dark roast coffee as some beans become oily in the roasting process and can cause blockages in the grinders. The finer the grind setting the slower the flow of coffee to your cup. Always make a long coffee using a coarse grind.
- Good Crema indicates all is well; if you have a good crema on the espresso you’ve made, it’s a good indication that the brewing cycle and machines are well maintained. Follow the machine’s cleaning cycle indicators, as they are defined based on the water quality and heat preferences you have selected when installing the machine. Ensure you check your water quality every season (Spring, Summer, etc) as it can change through the year depending on your water provider.
To purchase accessories and key maintenance products for your product go to: www.krups.co.uk/accessories-store/homewww.krups.co.uk
For instructional videos on how to setup your machine and maintenance, please visit the KRUPS Youtube Channel (you can find this by searching “krups uk” on YouTube.com) or Download the KRUPS Espresso Application
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For any help or support, please call our KRUPS in house customer service team on: 0345 330 6460 (UK) or 01 677 4003 (ROI)