What Is ItsManual.com?
The community warriors from GimmeManuals.com have amassed all of the product manuals they could find in this one place.
This site is devoted to just product manuals for items such as electronics, furniture, home appliances and computers.
We strive to collect as many PDF versions of manuals and turn them into easy to browse web pages as possible, with the PDF available too if we can find a good copy of it.
These manuals are offered in an easy to search fashion, to you the visitor totally free of charge, funded by ads and donations.
You can start by checking out the popular manufacturers listed below or use the search box above to find what you need.
Have a rare manual? Submit it to help others who may be stuck on the submit page.
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All Razer ManualsJBL
All JBL ManualsHomedics




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What is an Owner's Manual?
When you purchase a product that requires an explanation on how to use it you will usually find a printed owner's manual come with it.
The manual will document everyting you need to known including safety advice and recycling instructions.
Where Can I Download an Owner's Manual?
Many product manufacturers offer a copy of their owner's manuals on their website but this may be hard to find.
With the increase in the number of foreign (mostly Chinese) manufacturers this practice has become very hard in recent years.
What Does ItsManual.com Do?
On ItsManual.com you can find PDF versions of these manuals along with versions adapted into HTML so that its easier read on all devices.
Our community warriors scour the web looking for popular manuals and translate them into browser-friendly web pages.